Monday, December 23, 2019

The Justification Of God By John Milton s Paradise Lost

The Justification of God Romans 8:18 says, â€Å"What we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later†. In John Milton’s Paradise Lost, the biblical story of Adam and Eve and the loss of Paradise is- at first glance- an ultimate disgrace to humanity and destruction of generations to come. However, in Milton’s rendering of the tale, he establishes how his ultimate goal of the poem is to â€Å"Assert eternal providence, /And justify the ways of God to men† (I. 26). Milton accomplishes his goal of justifying God to men by contrasting Satan’s impassioned freedom with the true freedom from which Adam and Eve operate on after the Fall. Satan’s â€Å"self-begot† rationalizations in combination with Adam and Eve’s realizations set†¦show more content†¦Beginning in Book I, the reader is introduced to the epic through the eyes of Satan, whom Milton depicts as a valiant and courageous hero. Hungry for autonomy and waging a war a gainst God, Satan states, â€Å"All is not lost; the unconquerable will,/ And study of revenge, immortal hate,/ And courage never to submit or yield:/ And what is else not to be overcome?/ That glory shall his wrath or might/ Extort from me† (I. 106-111). Satan shows the capacity to feel courageous and resilient, neglecting the need for God’s help and painting him as the perpetrator of his current fate. Satan possessing an â€Å"unconquerable† will suggests that his decision-making is impassioned. Additionally, Satan exudes elements of God––such as love and sacrifice–– although his intent is to be nefarious to God, Satan’s devotion to a cause and willingness to sacrifice himself showcase his competence for love and selflessness. In Milton’s representation of Satan’s sentiment alone, the justification of God exists. Satan operates off of impassioned will rather than God’s reason because he does not depend on God as man does. He states, in a motivational address to his dominions, â€Å"Know none before us, self-begot, self-raised/ By our own quickening power, when fatal course/ Had circled his full orb, the birth mature/ Of this our native Heav’n, ethereal sons† (V. 860-863). Here, Satan contrasts himselfShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1071 Words   |  5 Pages Advanced Placement English Literature Composition Name Juan Linares Major Work Data Page Paradise Lost Writer/Nationality John Milton/ UK 1608-1674 Theme/Meanings of the work as a whole Disobedience plays a key role in the unfolding of Milton’s poem. Satan disobeys God because God gave him free will, and causes Eve to disobey Adam, to disobey God. Justification of God. Death must happen to the world but because of the Son, Death is ultimately defeated. Characters Read MoreParadise Lost By John Milton2091 Words   |  9 PagesParadise Lost by John Milton Paradise Lost by John Milton John Milton divided the characters in his epic poem Paradise Lost into two sides, one side under God representing good, and the other side under Satan representing evil and sin. Milton first introduced the reader to the character Satan, the representative of all evil, and his allegiance of fallen angels that aided in his revolt against God (Milton 35). Only later did Milton introduce the reader to all powerful God, leader and creator ofRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1852 Words   |  8 Pagesnot merely summarize the plot. (2010 AP Literature and Composition) Disobedience and Exile an Analysis of Satan from Milton’s Paradise Lost John Milton’s epic poem, Paradise Lost, has been the subject of criticism and interpretation through many years; these interpretations concur in that Adam and Eve are the sufferers of the poem, and it is their blight to lose Paradise because of their disobedience; however, their exile is merely a plight brought by Satan, and it is he who suffers exile beforeRead MoreMetamorphoses Within Frankenstein14861 Words   |  60 PagesThe Critical Metamorphoses of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein You must excuse a trif ling d eviation, From Mrs. Shelley’s marvellous narration — from th e musical Frankenstein; or, The Vamp ire’s Victim (1849) Like Coleridge’ s Ancient Mariner , who erupts into Mary Sh elley’s text as o ccasionally and inev itably as th e Monster into Victor Frankenstein’s lif e, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometh eus passes, like night, from land to land and w ith stang ely ad aptable powers of speech Read MoreIslamic Way of warfare23558 Words   |  95 Pages Major Intekhab Haider Khan 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORG REPORT NUMBER U.S. Army Command and General Staff College ATTN: ATZL-SWD-GD Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-2301 9. SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 13Read MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesmotivated by simple cost considerations, and underlined its importance for moving the brand forward towards long-term goals. Central would be keeping the brand cool in the eyes of its customers. The Ministry of Sound was perceived by many as having lost its ‘edginess’. Mark Rodol insisted: That’s what we’re working on. It is possible to be big and cutting edge – there are big mass market brands like Nike and PlayStation that manage to retain an edge despite their size. That’s what we intend to do

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Stalin †History Free Essays

How far was Stalin’s victory in the power struggle between 1924 and 1929 the result of the popularity of his policies? Even though Stalin’s victory in the power struggle was partly due to his popular policies, it was not just this that allowed Stalin also because of the mistakes made by other rivals and factors that played into his hands. For example Trotsky was a former menshevik which helped Stalin accuse him of not been a true Bolshevik. There are many reasons that suggest Stalin’s victory in the power struggle was because his popular policies. We will write a custom essay sample on Stalin – History or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example Stalin’s popular policy of Socialism in one country put the needs of the USSR first, this was particularly popular because the conditions for the majority of the Russian people was unthinkable as extreme poverty was common for the average Russian in the the early 20th Century. It was a lot more popular than Trotsky’s idea of World revolution, which would have seen many of the resources owned by the USSR sent abroad to try spread the Communist revolution abroad in other countries. Stalin developed his idea in Socialism in one Country because he did not like Trotsky. Stalin recognised that Trotsky’s policy was over optimistic and unpopular. The First World War and the civil war had destroyed the Russian economy and Stalin’s policy showed faith in the soviet people, almost portraying that Stalin believed in the Russian people. Stalin portrayed the Worldwide revolution as a policy that put the needs of other countries before those of the Russian people. Trostsky’s Jewish background marked him as a disloyal outsider among many party members anyway, and his international policy only seemed to confirm that he was not loyal to the people of Russia. It was not just his popular policies that saw Stalin replace Lenin as the leader of the USSR. It was also partly due to the mistakes and weaknesses made by the other leading Bolsheviks such as Trotsky. Trotsky was seen as too powerful because he was the leader of the 5 million strong red army, he was known as the Red Napoleon. Trotsky was also Jewish, even though he himself believed that this reason would stop him from becoming the next leader, many argue that this was not such a big problem. However he was an ex menshevik which allowed Stalin to question his belief in Bolshevism, it was this fear that Trotsky was too powerful that led to kamenev and Zinoviev to side with Stalin. His popular policies were key to Stalin becoming the next leader of the USSR. Stalin’s commitment to the NEP until 1927 allowed him to defeat the united opposition of Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Kamenev. After the fall of Trotsky Zinoviev and Kamenev realised that Stalin was now the most powerful figure in the party and they began to speak out against the NEP. This was not only an attack on Stalin but an attack on Bukharin resulting in the two uniting. The NEP was particularly popular because it was following the line of Lenin and more than anything it seemed to be working as the Russian economy recovered in the mid 1920’s. However Stalin was victorious in the power struggle not just because his policies were popular but because he had a great deal of luck. The two main pieces of luck that Stalin had was the ban on factionalism introduced by Lenin before his death and the appointment of Stalin as general secretary in 1922. Originally when Stalin was first appointed as General Secretary many Bolsheviks didn’t realise the potential power which this now gave Stalin,one Menshevik described Stalin as the ‘grey blur’. However this gave Stalin power that nobody could have anticipated, it allowed for Stalin to appoint the regional secretaries, meaning that Stalin was able to rebuild the party by selecting the people who he wanted into key posts. This meant that slowly the party was been built up of people which were supporters of Stalin. The second bit of luck which inevitably benefited Stalin was the Ban on Factionalism which was introduced in 1921. This ‘Ban on Factionalism’ meant that everybody within the party were not able to speak out against official party policies and if somebody did then they were accused of been a factionalist and therefore expelled from the party. This benefited Stalin greatly as he could use this to his advantage, anybody that publicly spooke out against one of the policies which he supported could be branded as a factionalist and not a supporter of Lenin and therefore be defeated in the struggle for power. It could be argued that Stalin’s policies were the main reason as to why he was victorious in the power struggle, however it is important to remember hat Stalin was extremely pragmatic when it came to what he believed in, changing his mind and supporting particular policies when it suited him, so the real fundamental reason as to why Stalin was victorious in the power struggle was because Stalin unlike the other leading figure of the party played his cards right and was clever w hen it came to who he sided with. It was his cunningness combined with the amount of luck which he had which led to him eventually becoming the next leader of Russia in 1928. How to cite Stalin – History, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Sexual Essay Example For Students

Sexual Essay Over the years, many people have believed that the issue of sexualharassment should not be discussed in public. Sexual harassment was to bediscussed behind closed doors. In spite of this, the social and politicalsystems have changed instantaneously. This social problem has affected menand women throughout time, however, it seems that the women of our societymore closely look at this issue. This social topic has encouraged women toestablish organizations in order to help them discuss the issues more openlyand to demand equality including fairness and justice throughout theworkplace and in their social lives as well. In recent years, sexual harassment has been one of the most serious andwidespread problems found in the workplace. For this reason, the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights proclaimed, by the United Nations in 1948, tohelp everyone in their fight for self-respect and dignity. Indeed sexualharassment is an issue that complicates employment decisions. People alsorecognize that it is an issue involving the creation of an antagonistic oroffensive work environment. In many instances, the issue of sexualharassment is not something minor that can be easily solved. The issue of sexual harassment pertains to everyones apprehension of anindividuals comportment due to our societal social norms. Sexualharassment, in most cases, involves a superiors behavior towards asubordinate. As mentioned before, most forms of sexual harassment occur inthe workplace. An employee can charge an employer with sexual harassment as aresult of the misconduct of managers, fellow employees, vendors, and evencustomers. Eventually, this can cause a hostile work environment. It is true, for the most part, that sexual harassment comes in manyforms in the workplace. There are two significant ways in which one canidentify sexual harassment. They are called the Quid Pro Quo and theHostile Environment Harassment. The essence of the Quid Pro Quo theory ofsexual harassment occurs when an employee is confronted with sexual demandsto keep her job or obtain a promotion. This is a true violation of the CivilRights Act of 1964, which is also referred to as the Title VII Act. Eventhough sexual harassment by its very nature is complicated to define, theEqual Employment Opportunity Commission provides a general description ofsexual advances. The several basic varieties of the Quid Pro Quo harassmentindicate the unwelcome sexual advances and requests for sexual favors. Italso consist of other verbal or physical conducts dealing with a sexualnature of constituting sexual harassment when the submission to such conductis made either explicitly or implicitly just because a term or a condition ofan individuals employment. Secondly, the individual is used as a basis foremployment decisions affecting such individual. Finally, the result of suchconduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with anindividuals work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, oroffensive working environment. (Aggarwal, 89-93)Another form of sexual harassment is a hostile work environment. Thehostile environment theory involves sexual advances between the supervisorand the employee. An employees work performance will be less effective dueto these so-called sexual advances. However, a victim can file a complaintagainst their harasser so that they do not continuously force them toparticipate. Consequently, they will be forced to hand in their resignation. This issue of power has nothing to do with sex. For this reason, both male and females can be the harasser. The harassers main purpose is toforce another to feel or act in a certain way. Sometimes, sexual harassmentcauses an individual from effectively performing his/her job. As a result,is undermines an individuals dignity. In our society, there are three essential factors that relate to theissue of sexual advances. These elements are a divergence of perceptions,the complexity of human behavior and the attitudes of a sexist. (Lindemann,46-48) It is often difficult to draw a line between what is acceptable andwhat is unacceptable in a working environment because of the existence ofthese ingredients. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination, which canmanifest itself in terms of physical and psychological acts. Physically, therecipient may be the victim of pinching, grabbing, hugging, patting, leering,brushing against and forms of touching. Psychological harassment can occurthroug h the proposal of physical intimacy by requesting dates and sexualIn 1964, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was established, by variousstate legislation, to prohibit sex discrimination in the working environment. .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 , .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 .postImageUrl , .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 , .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989:hover , .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989:visited , .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989:active { border:0!important; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989:active , .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989 .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ude8091bac12639e221cb9d4c03a0d989:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Forgiveness Phenomena EssayAfter a decade of the enactment of Title VII, the Supreme Court confrontedits first case, Barnes vs. Train,

Monday, November 25, 2019

Miltons Epic Poem †Paradise Lost Essay

Miltons Epic Poem – Paradise Lost Essay Free Online Research Papers Miltons Epic Poem Paradise Lost Essay In any scriptural account, the description of the setting and personal details of the characters are shallow at best; the physical portrayal of the prophets and an account of the loveliness of the forests and deserts are seldom necessary and are even less frequently included. There are many good reasons for this- one, of course, is the space-saving advantage of brevity. Additionally, the scriptures often function as templates. We are told the necessary information for our spiritual enlightenment and assigning things such as hair color, jungle temperature, clothing style, and social disposition is left to our disposal. Many of the less aesthetically relative features of scriptural accounts such as the rationale behind many historically impacting decisions are also our responsibility. Milton, in his epic poem Paradise Lost, takes advantage of the generality of the scriptural account of Genesis 3 to compose his Book IX and give a more realistic and detailed account- making the account much more tangible to the reader, and showing that it is through the weakness of Eve that she partakes of the fruit and that it is through her carnal and bestial nature that she convinces Adam to do likewise. The inferiority of Eve as a woman is a theme set up almost the moment we meet her walking in the garden in Book IV. She is given to vanity and a sense of pride as she looks at her own reflection in the lake. She has dreams of eating the fruit of the Tree and ascending into heaven as a goddess. And, most recently, Adam admits her inferiority while talking to Raphael in Book VIII, â€Å"For well I understand in the prime end / Of nature her th’ inferior†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (194). It is in this conversation that he continues to tell the angel of Eve’s physical beauty and carnal nature, and even mentions that â€Å"what she wills to do or say, / Seems wisest, virtuousest, discreetst, best;† (194). Adam is basically admitting that although Eve is definitely inferior to him, sometimes her beauty and loveliness almost convinces him that she is wiser and superior. The angel then reminds him that true love is rational and of God, and Adam should not fall to the carnality that Eve sometimes represents. It is this understanding of the inferior spiritual nature of Eve that allows us to comprehend Milton’s rationale of our first mother succumbing to the temptations of Satan. From the Bible, we know nothing of Eve’s conversation with Satan except that she first regurgitates the commandment given by God that they should not partake of the fruit, but then after being tempted with godlike knowledge as given by the fruit, she eats. The account given by Milton is much more detailed; Book IX is 1189 lines, while chapter 3 of Genesis is a little over 100, half of which do not even describe the events of Book IX. In the encounter with the serpent in Paradise Lost, Milton’s setup of Eve as a weaker individual comes to a culmination. Not only does her vanity and desire to be as a god cause her to â€Å"greedily†¦engorge† the fruit â€Å"without restraint† (219), it is her pride and jealousy that causes her to desire Adam to partake of it. She says, â€Å" Adam wedded to another Eve, / Shall live with her enjoying, I extinct; / A death to think† (220). She certainly does not want this, and goes to get Adam to eat. Now, in all fairness, Eve also mentions her love for Adam as a motivation for wanting him to stay with her in her sin. Here is another theme brought up by Milton that was not included in the Bible. If nothing else, this concept of the couple’s love makes the whole story much more tangible and real to the reader than do the other alterations. It is mentioned nowhere in Genesis 3 that the couple had any feelings for each other. Of course, it is generally assumed that their desire to stay together and Adam’s compliance in eating the fruit indicates their love for each other, but this is not specifically mentioned in the Bible. Milton does certainly mention it, and quite often. It is indeed love that convinces Adam to partake of the fruit, but not the selfless love championed by God and the visiting angels- this â€Å"love† is basically lust-filled, and brought about by the pleading seduction of Eve. In order to make the whole account real and easily visualized by th e reader, Milton details the passion that the couple has for one another. However, he contrasts the first kind of love, the rational and godlike love, with the second that follows the Fall- the sexual union brought about by physical desire. Before the Fall, the two were naked and innocent- and their implied lovemaking was just as innocent; it was what Raphael calls â€Å"collateral love† (191). They were gentle and guiltless. However, after they ate of the fruit, Adam, â€Å"Of amorous intent, well understood / †¦ [Eve’s] hand he seized†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (225). And the couple has sex right there on the shady bank. The much coarser and violent verb â€Å"seized† indicates much less selfless love, but desire-driven passion. In order to explain the cause of evil in the world, John Milton proposed the account of this epic poem. The extensive expansion of what was originally a few short chapters in the Old Testament can be explained much in the way that modern motion picture adaptations of books are created. Many directors and screenwriters that adapt classic books to the screen are motivated by the desire to make the experience of the book much more tangible to the general public. How much more real now is Moses’ story after the contribution of Cecil B. DeMilles and his Ten Commandments? Milton wanted to be a great epic poet and to do so, he needed to write a great epic (and by definition extensive) poem. However, like the movie makers of today, he too felt inspired and wanted the public to feel the reality of the Fall, so he took advantage of the lack of mechanistic details in the short account of our first parents’ Fall and painted a grand descriptive picture of the settings, heroes and vi llains involved; any reader experiencing this epic without any real preconceptions of what the Garden of Eden looked like or without any notion of the personality of Eve would be highly induced to adapt Milton’s description. Indeed, from the effect this poem had on the people of Darwin’s day to its sway on modern Christian views, Paradise Lost is arguably the most influential tale on the implications of the nature of Adam and Eve ever written. Research Papers on Milton's Epic Poem - Paradise Lost EssayMind TravelHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionBringing Democracy to AfricaEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoLifes What Ifs

Friday, November 22, 2019

Risk Management and Investment Coursework Portfolio Lab Report

Risk Management and Investment Coursework Portfolio - Lab Report Example I also limited the number of shares because of the fee charges that runs the portfolio. When the portfolio balance grew from the investment returns, I increase the number of shares and changed the investment of the contributions. After passing the initial phase, I planned to tweak the investment so that they spread across the portfolio’s stock. I also gave a concern on the number of shares that strikes a perfect balance between ease management and diversification (Fabozzi 1989). I settled on 10 portfolios because it was easy to manage. The allocation I employed is 20% for each stock. Going through the fund’s list, I avoided investing on unpredictable outcomes like future inflation. Although the fund’s performance looks good, there still yet there exist many risks in this portfolio that needed to be cared. In this section, the fund’s risk analysis will described and discussed in the order as follows. Standard deviation is an indicator to measure the price’s fluctuation or the return’s volatility. A larger standard deviation means a larger volatility, which contains the bigger risk. As is shown in the overview of the investment fund, the largest standard deviation of price is 252.60 while the smallest is 2.77. Thus DGE is more risky than the others and the bond brings few risks to the portfolio. Moreover, the standard deviation of return ranges from 0.00213 to 0.0198. That demonstrates that PRU has the largest risks and the bond do few contributions to the risk of the fund. In sum, the assets with large standard deviation may prevent the fund’s aims to be achieved. If the confidence level is 95%, then the maximum and minimum VaR of the assets are 415.49 and 4.5593, which means there is 5% chance in a day that DGE and GILT face a loss of over 415.49 and 4.5593. Meanwhile, the portfolio’s VaR is 74189974.39, which means there is 95% possibility that the fund will not suffer a loss more than 74189974.39 in a day.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critical Thinking English- A New Earth Chapters One to Ten Essay

Critical Thinking English- A New Earth Chapters One to Ten - Essay Example These emotions are therefore borne out of our reaction to things, and thus, these emotions can be evil. Nevertheless, from Tolle’s book and from this class, one learns that nonreaction is the more spiritual way and that it can be learned only through the view that change is inevitable. From Chapter 3, I particularly like: â€Å"Nonreaction is not weakness but strength. Another word for nonreaction is forgiveness. To forgive is to overlook, or rather to look through†¦the ego to the sanity that is in every human being as his or her essence† (Tolle 41). Oftentimes, when I react to my boyfriend’s comments or to how he behaves, I would normally react with tantrums. However, after that, I somehow realize that I have acted in a stupid way or that something was not right and that no matter how valid the emotion was, it did not seem to be helping the relationship. Afterwards, I would also feel selfish and thus apologize to my boyfriend for my reaction no matter how m uch I did not want to apologize. Before I became a part of this class and before I read Tolle, I thought long and hard about how to appropriately react to the many different hurts that I expect I would get from my boyfriend or from the relationship itself. Little did I know that the flaw was not in the method of reacting to the hurt or to the situation but it is in the whole concept of reaction itself. I believe people, especially I, would normally react to situations because they do not understand the spiritual principle about nonreaction. True strength, according to Tolle, is not reaction but nonreaction. Moreover, nonreaction happens in us when we see only the ego of another person and not his essence. When we begin to see the essence, we forgive almost automatically and we lose the natural tendency to react. In my case, I particularly like the quote from Tolle not because I follow it but because this is something I still have to go through. Ever since we were young, we were alwa ys told to react, and everything that we have learned is based on the idea of human emotion – that certain things can trigger specific emotions in a human being. Somehow, this concept indirectly also teaches us that we are at the mercy of our emotions, and that we cannot do anything except react. Our society has also taught us to react to political matters as well as anything else that happens in the world of fashion, in the news, and even in science and technology, where our emotions do not actually matter or where our emotions would somehow make us feel justified, recognized and vindicated. Our religions have also taught us the same feeling of being vindicated when we have proven others wrong and ourselves morally right and upright. This is true in my case. I feel the vindication whenever I shout at my boyfriend after he does something I did not particularly like. It is the time that I feel I am right, and I feel I am superior and lofty, and most of all – right. Neve rtheless, as long as we rely on our emotions to vindicate us, we will forever react to things around us and we will forever be subject to sorrow and suffering. The key therefore is change. If we are to experience strength from nonreaction, then we have to free ourselves from our emotions, and therefore we have to change. From Chapter 8, the line that appeals to me is: â€Å"Once you see and accept the transience of all things and the inevitability of change, you can enjoy the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Having First Child Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Having First Child - Personal Statement Example I experienced these feelings and examined them very closely when my first child, Devin, was sent away from me. It is not possible to put those feelings in words. Although, he was sent to the Hostel for his bright future, yet I missed him. I knew that it was necessary for him to get better opportunities in the future, but sometimes people become so self-centered and selfish, that they don't realize the intensity of the problem. This happens not merely for the individual's own interest but just because of the fear he has to lose something. If I express my feelings before anyone, the first possible question they ask is that if I am that worried about him then what made me choose this option The answer definitely is my desire to see him as a reputable and successful person. His future was more important for me than anything in this world, even more than my emotions and feelings. The aim behind transferring him to a hostel was to provide him with appropriate schooling. It was an emotionally tough experience. I was anxious about the environment of the hostel, the gathering he may have, and the quality of education. It was tough to be separated from my beloved son for such extensive periods. After being separated I came to know about his value in my life. I admired him but did not know that I could miss someone that much. It was all new for me. In the beginning I used to get hyper without any reason.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Overview of and Applications of Choke Coils

Overview of and Applications of Choke Coils INTRODUCTION A choke is an inductor designed to block (have a high reactance to) a particular frequency in an electrical circuit while passing signals of much lower frequency ordirect current. Description Choke coils are inductances that isolate AC frequency currents from certain areas of a radio circuit. Chokes depend upon the property of self-inductance for their operation. They can be used to block alternating current while passing direct current (contrast with capacitor). Common-mode choke coils are useful in a wide range of prevention of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI) from power supply lines and for prevention of malfunctioning of electronic equipment. Types and construction Chokes used in radio circuits are divided into two classes those designed to be used with audio frequencies, and the others to be used with radio frequencies. Audio frequency coils, usually called A.F. chokes, can have ferro magnetic iron cores to increase their inductance. Chokes for higher frequencies (ferrite chokes or choke baluns) have ferrite cores. Chokes for even higher frequencies have air cores. Radio frequency coils, (R.F. chokes), usually dont have iron cores. In high power service so much heat would be produced in making and destroying the field in the core that the coil would burn up. Solid-state chokes Solid-state chokes (SSC) can manage higher currents than traditional chokes. It reduces the high frequency buzzing noise when running under high electrical currents Chokes Explained General A â€Å"choke† is the common name given to an inductor that is used as a power supply filter element. They are typically gapped iron core units, similar in appearance to a small transformer, but with only two leads exiting the housing. The current in an inductor cannot change instantaneously; that is, inductors tend to resist any change in current flow. This property makes them good for use as filter elements, since they tend to â€Å"smooth out† the ripples in the rectified voltage waveform. Why use a choke? Why not just a big series resistor? A choke is used in place of a series resistor because the choke allows better filtering (less residual AC ripple on the supply, which means less hum in the output of the amp) and less voltage drop. An â€Å"ideal† inductor would have zero DC resistance. If you just used a larger resistor, you would quickly come to a point where the voltage drop would be too large, and, in addition, the supply â€Å"sag† would be too great, because the current difference between full power output and idle can be large, especially in a class AB amplifier. Capacitor input or choke input filter? There are two common power supply configurations: capacitor input and choke input. The capacitor input filter doesnt necessarily have to have a choke, but it may have one for additional filtering. The choke input supply by definition must have a choke. Capacitor input filters are by far the most commonly used configuration in guitar amplifiers (in fact, I cant think of a production guitar amp that used a choke input filter). The capacitor input supply will have a filter capacitor immediately following the rectifier. It may or may not then have a second filter composed of a series resistor or choke followed by another capacitor. The â€Å"cap, inductor, cap† network is commonly called a â€Å"Pi filter† network. The advantage of the capacitor input filter is higher output voltage, but it has poorer voltage regulation than the choke input filter. The output voltage approaches sqrt(2)*Vrms of the AC voltage. The choke input supply will have a choke immediately following the rectifier. The main advantage of a choke input supply is better voltage regulation, but at the expense of much lower output voltage. The output voltage approaches (2*sqrt(2)/Pi)*Vrms of the AC voltage. The choke input filter must have a certain minimum current drawn through it to maintain regulation. The voltage difference between the two filter types can be quite large. For example, assume you have a 300-0-300 tranny and a full-wave rectifier. If you use a capacitor input filter, youll get a no-load max DC voltage of 424 volts, which will sag down to a voltage dependent on the load current and the resistance of the secondary windings. If you use the same transformer with a choke input filter, the peak output DC voltage will be 270V, and will be much more highly regulated than the capactor input filter (less variations in supply voltage with variations in load current). How to select a choke: Chokes are typically rated in terms of max DC current, DC resistance, inductance, and a voltage rating, which is the max safe voltage that can be applied between the coil and the frame (which is usually grounded). DC current If you are using a choke-input filter (not likely, unless you are trying to convert a class AB amp to true class A and need the lower voltage, or if you are designing an amp from scratch and want better supply regulation), the choke must be capable of handling the entire current of the output tubes as well as the preamp section. Note that this doesnt mean just the bias current of the output tubes, but the peak current at full output. This usually requires a choke about the size of a standard 30W-50W output transformer, since the choke must have an air gap (just like a single-ended OT) to avoid core saturation due to the offset DC current flowing through it, and the choke also must have a low DC resistance, to avoid dropping too much voltage across it, which will lower the output voltage and worsen the load regulation. This combination of low DCR, air gap, and high inductance (more on that later) usually results in a substantial sized choke. To calculate the required current rating, a dd up the full power output tube plate currents, screen currents, and the preamp supply currents, and add in a factor for margin. For a 50W amp, this may be 250mA. If, on the other hand, you are selecting a choke for a capacitor input supply (such as the typical Marshall or Fender design), then the requirements are relaxed quite a bit. The purpose of the choke in these type supplies is not for filtering and voltage regulation, but just for filtering the DC supply to the screen grids of the output tubes and the preamp section. The screens typically take around 5-10mA each, and the preamp tubes draw about 1-2mA or so (for the typical 12AX7; 12AT7s are usually biased for around ten times that). This means that you can get by with a much smaller choke, and, in addition, the preamp supply current doesnt vary that much, so you can get by with a higher DC resistance, which means smaller wire can be used to wind the choke, which means higher inductance for a given size core. Just add up the current requirements of the screens and preamp tubes, and add a bit more for margin. For a 50W amp, a typical value might be 50-60mA. DC resistance For a typical choke input supply, you need a choke with no more than 100-200 ohms or so DCR. A capacitor input supply typically might use a choke with a 250 ohm 1K DCR. The higher the resistance, the more voltage drop and the poorer the regulation, but the cost will be lower. Voltage rating The voltage rating must be higher than the supply voltage, or the insulation on the wire may break down, shorting the supply to the frame. Common Mode Choke Theory A common mode choke may be used to reduce a type of electrical noise known as common mode noise. Electro-magnetic interference (E.M.I.) in the circuits environment is one source of electrical noise. E.M.I. induces or couples unwanted electrical signals into the circuit. It is desirable to filter out the unwanted noise signals without significantly affecting the desired signal. Environmental sources of E.M.I. often create an independent return path (ground path) for the electrical noise signals. The return path of the desired signal is a different path. Because there are two different return paths, a common mode choke can be used to significantly block (hence reduce) the unwanted noise signal (at the load) without significant reduction in the desired signal. A.C. power lines provide a good example. They are known to carry significant levels of electrical noise. Their long length gives environmental E.M.I. ample opportunity to generate unwanted electrical noise into the power lines. Figure 2 illustrates an application without a common mode choke. The power line voltage, â€Å"Vs†, causes current, â€Å"Iz†, to flow through the load, â€Å"Z†. At any non-zero instance, Current â€Å"Iz† flows into â€Å"Z† through one power line wire and returns through the other power line wire. E.M.I. voltage, â€Å"Vnc1†, causes current â€Å"Inc1†, to flow through the load â€Å"Z†. Similarly, E.M.I. voltage, Vnc2 causes current â€Å"Inc2† to flow through the load â€Å"Z†. Because the E.M.I is generating both â€Å"Vnc1† and â€Å"Vnc2† the two voltages tend to be in phase. There is very little current flow between them. Current â€Å"Inc1† does not flow throug h both power line wires. It flows through one power line wire and through the ground path. Similarly, current â€Å"Inc2† does not flow through both power line wires. It flows through one power line wire and through the ground path. In this example only â€Å"Vnc1† produces electrical noise across load â€Å"Z† because the â€Å"Vnc2† end of â€Å"Z† is grounded. In practice, the effective ground point could occur somewhere between the two ends of load â€Å"Z†. Figure 3 illustrates the same application with a common mode choke. The common mode choke has two windings. Each winding of the common mode choke is inserted between the end of a power line wire and the load. As in Figure 1, current â€Å"Iz† flows through both power line wires and currents â€Å"Inc1† and â€Å"Inc2† each flow through one power line wire and return through the ground path. Observe that current â€Å"Iz† flows through both windings but in opposing winding directions, while currents â€Å"Inc1† and Inc2† each flow through only one winding and in the same winding direction. The ground path does not flow through a winding. The inductance of winding A restricts (reduces) the flow of current â€Å"Inc1† (when compared to Figure 1), thereby reducing the noise voltage across â€Å"Z†. Similarly the inductance of winding B restricts (hence reduces) the flow of current â€Å"Inc2†. Windings A and B have the same number of turns. The ampere-turns created by Current â€Å"Iz† (but excluding any â€Å"Inc1† current component) flowing through winding A is cancelled by the opposing ampere-turns created by current â€Å"Iz† flowing through winding B. Ideally, the cancellation results in zero inductance and no restriction (no reduction) of current â€Å"Iz†. â€Å"Iz† produces the same voltage across load â€Å"Z† as it does in Figure 1. In practice this will not be true. The common mode choke will have some leakage flux between windings A and B hence incomplete cancellation. Windings A and B will have some winding resistance. Both of these will have so me effect on â€Å"Iz† (reduces â€Å"Iz†). In contrast, the load current â€Å"Iz† flowing through both windings A and B of the differential choke shown in Figure 1 do not cancel, hence â€Å"Iz† will be restricted (reduced). Differential chokes are useful when the electrical noise frequencies are much higher than the operating frequencies. The higher choke impedance at the high frequencies block the electrical noise while having a tolerable effect at the operating frequencies. Some common mode chokes are intentionally designed to have significant leakage inductance. The leakage inductance acts in series with the load hence the leakage inductance provides differential noise filtering. One common mode choke functions like the combined chokes shown in Figure 1 but may differ in levels. Three-phase choke coil REO three-phase choke The conventional output-choke has a very good storage capacity. It functions like a typical series inductance and smoothes the symmetrical, effective current and the asymmetrical, parasitic current. The voltage rise is limited to less than 500 V/ µs. The line to line voltage peaks at the motor terminals are lower than 1000 V. This solution attenuates the cable-conducted disturbance really well, even in the lower frequency range. The electromagnetic radiation from cables is attenuated considerably. Losses and typical motor noise, caused by harmonics, are reduced. Applications Inductors are used extensively in analog circuits and signal processing. Inductors in conjunction with capacitors and other components form tuned circuits which can emphasize or filter out specific signal frequencies. Applications range from the use of large inductors in power supplies, which in conjunction with filter capacitors remove residual hums known as the Mains hum or other fluctuations from the direct current output, to the small inductance of the ferrite bead or torus installed around a cable to prevent radio frequency interference from being transmitted down the wire. Smaller inductor/capacitor combinations provide tuned circuits used in radio reception and broadcasting, for instance. Two (or more) inductors which have coupled magnetic flux form a transformer, which is a fundamental component of every electric utility power grid. The efficiency of a transformer may decrease as the frequency increases due to eddy currents in the core material and skin effect on the windings. Size of the core can be decreased at higher frequencies and, for this reason, aircraft use 400 hertz alternating current rather than the usual 50 or 60 hertz, allowing a great saving in weight from the use of smaller transformers. An inductor is used as the energy storage device in some switched-mode power supplies. The inductor is energized for a specific fraction of the regulators switching frequency, and de-energized for the remainder of the cycle. This energy transfer ratio determines the input-voltage to output-voltage ratio. This XL is used in complement with an active semiconductor device to maintain very accurate voltage control. Inductors are also employed in electrical transmission systems, where they are used to depress voltages from lightning strikes and to limit switching currents and fault current. In this field, they are more commonly referred to as reactors. Larger value inductors may be simulated by use of gyrator circuits. References

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Critique of Bushs Speeches after September 11 -- Speaking Analysis

A Critique of Bush's Speeches after September 11 After the terrorists attacks on September eleventh, President Bush had to prepare himself to address the nation with intensions to calm the United States citizens and give them some answers. The President had many speeches in the week after this happened and some words he used were not as concise as they could have been. These words and phrases are his attempts to comfort the United States people but only anger the terrorists he has declared war with. In a critique of Bushs speeches in the weeks after the tragedy, it is written, He called for revenge, called Osama bin Laden the prime suspect and asked for him dead or alive. (Max 1) Using such strong words gives an impression that Bush is overly confident and jumping to conclusions. Using revenge would imply retaliation and in result would come a war. Bush seems so sure that bin Laden is responsible when, still as of this day, he has no hard evidence. Asking for him dead or alive is probably the first threat he made. The only accompli shment Bush got out of making these accusations and threats was making the American people nervous. The citizens of the United States may not agree with the decisions he is making for the country. Bush needed another chance to redeem himself and comfort his people. A committee of speechwriters and George Bush spent time writing the speech that was given on September twentieth. In this speech, the President made more sense and brought his ideas together more clearly, with phrases and topics that would calm the citizens of the United States. Americans were still unclear of who had performed these acts of terror and were nervous because Bush was being rash, and wasnt speaking with confidence. The president answers questions, revealing which organization was responsible and their mission as people. Bushs speech on the twentieth reveals that, The terrorists directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans, and make no distinction among military and civilians, including women and children. (pg. 2) The president clarifies that bin Laden is the leader of the terrorist organization, Al queda, so that the Americans can understand whom we are going to war with. As said in The End Of Innocence, And today the enemy must be named as terrorism, or more broadly as any who might disrupt the spread of "open societi... ...ed States and to provide its people with knowledge of what to prepare for in the future. The president spoke to the nation numerous times in the week after these attacks, and he began to reveal that his situation was making him nervous and even scared in his speeches. The president had to show his confidence and reassure the nation with relief in his speech on September twentieth. The president was there most of the time his writers were working on the speech, and it seemed he was comfortable speaking the topics of the speech. After the speech was recited, Ted Kennedy stated that The presidents speech was exactly what the nation neededa message of determination and hope, strength and compassion.(Words that Changedetc. 11 par. 1) The president allowed the citizens of the Unites States of America to feel confident with the status of our nation in the future, after he gave this speech. Works Cited 1. Max, D.T. The 2,988 Words That Changed a Presidency: An Etymology. The New York Times, 7 Oct. 2001 2. Bush, George W. "President Bush's Speech to the Nation." Capitol. Washington, D.C. 20 Sept. 2001. 3. Rogers, Joel. The End Of Innocence. The Nation, 17 Sept. 2001

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analysis and Evaluation of the Attractiveness of the Uk Market

The Apple TV: Analysis and evaluation of the attractiveness of the current UK market Executive Summary This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the three levels of the marketing environment for Apple TV and studies the attractiveness of the current UK market. It will consider the future success or not of the apple TV in the UK and from this analysis recommend the modifications and improvement apple should do.Most of the information in the report is based on market reports such as Keynote, Websites, Newspapers and finally the â€Å"Marketing an Introduction† (8th Edition) textbook (Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Michael Harker, Ross Brenan; 2007) and the lecture slides provided by Michael Harker. The principal theories which were significant in the redaction of this report were the SWOT analysis and the PEST analysis. Results of data analyzed show that: †¢ Apple has a strong brand image and international popularity and makes large investment in research and devel opment. The television industry is radically changing with the appearance of a new type of television service, the internet television. †¢Apple TV has numerous and strong competitors. †¢Because of the strong position of its suppliers Apple suffers from the pricing pressure. †¢The Apple TV's price is too expensive. †¢The number of formats supported by the Apple TV is too limited. In conclusion we can recommend Apple to lower the price and increase the number of formats supported by the Apple TV. Apple should fabricate itself some of the Apple TV's components to be out of the pressure provided by its suppliers.Apple should also differentiate itself by increasing the number of Application downloadable for the apple TV and creating a special Touch screen working with the Apple TV. The reliability of this report is partially limited because it is concentrated on the study of the micro and macro environment. It is essentially based on secondary resources and some infor mation provided by non official and official website can be not impartial or not up to date. Furthermore Apple refuses to give too much information about the Apple TV and its finance. CONTENTS: Presentation page (p1) I)Executive Summary (p2) II)Contents (p3) II) Introduction (p4)III) Analysis and Interpretations (p4) 1) Micro-Environment (p4) A- The company (p4) B-The suppliers (p5) C-Marketing intermediaries (p5) D- Competitors (p5/6) D-Consumers (p6) 2) Internal Environment (p6) A-Employees (p6/7) B-Finance (p7) 3) Macro-Environment (p7) A-Political and economic (p7) B-Social (p7/8) C-Technologic (p8) D-Environmental (p8) E-Legal (p9) IV) Conclusion (p9) V) Recommendations (p10) VI) Bibliography (p10/11/12/13) VII) Appendix (p13) Introduction Created in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Apple Company is an American informatics multinational corporation which is headquartered in Cupertino, Silicon Valley.Best known for its skills in computers, Apple has diversified in recent years by venturing i nto the music industry and the mobile phone. Always attracted by new opportunities, Apple touches today with its Apple TV a market that it has never explored: the television. But is this new technology a good business idea and does this product have a chance to succeed in a country such as the UK? To answer this question and to give some advice and recommendation about the Apple TV this report will study its three environment level in the UK market.Every section provides an abstract rate which gives an approximate idea of the Attractiveness of the current UK market. Analysis & Interpretation I)The microenvironment First, this report will analyze the microenvironment which consists of â€Å"the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve the customer†. (Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Michael Harker and Ross Brenan; 2007, p) The company †¢These recent years Apple has managed to establish itself well in the world market. The company did not stop growing dur ing the last 10 years and became more and more efficient and competitive. Moreover, because of its exponential growth, opportunities are opening up to the organization such as the massive reinvestment in research and development. (Wikinvest, 2010) †¢Apple uses an effective advertising strategy and has a website easy to use, attractive, and informative. †¢Apple has an international popularity and a strong brand name which continue to increase the company in the world market. Rating: 8. 5/10 Suppliers †¢Apple requires each of its suppliers to meet the highest standards for all goods and services. Apple business environment is competitive and fast-paced.That is why their suppliers must understand this dynamic and be agile and flexible in responding to changing business conditions. (Apple,2010) †¢The most expensive components of the Apple TV are the processor A4 Apple designed and manufactured by Samsung (16. 55 dollar), the 8 GB flash memory products by Toshiba (14 dollar) and the chip supports from Broadcom Communications Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (about 7. 65 dollars). This doesn’t take into account the costs of research and development, product transport, logistics costs and even the marketing budget. cnet new, 2010) †¢With a net production cost of 64 dollars and a sale price of $ 99 U. S. , Apple's margin is not very important. We can also underline that Apple suppliers have a very strong position which can make Apple suffer of the pricing pressure. (macnn, 2010) Rating: 5/10 Marketing Intermediaries: †¢Apple Retail Stores: At the end of June of this year Apple had 293 retail stores open for business and during September Apple opened 24 new stores all around the world. In the UK there are 29 Apples stores. Besides during the month of June, store revenue increased 73% to $2. 78 billion and produced average store sales of $9 million. (postsateventide, 2010) †¢Others: Apple has also a large number of other retailers such as FN AC. †¢Apple has a large number of retailer which are efficient and provides the company an important revenue. Rating: 6/10 Competitor: †¢For this product, the search engine Google also launches into battle with its â€Å"Google TV†, designed by Japan's Sony and the U. S. Logitech. (BBC,2010) †¢Furthermore, in the United Kingdom the party may not be easy because of the success of TV offerings on the Internet, included in subscriptions providing triple play (broadband, TV, phone connection).ISPs Internet multiply the number of available channels and services: catch-up TV, VaD †¦ All at a competitive price yet (between 30 and 40 euros per month for the triple play). (oezratty, 2010) Companies such as SKY are well implanted in the market and don't stop growing and developing. (market report) †¢In addition Apple will have to deal with other products that already make the same type of services, such as game consoles lounge (Sony's PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 from Microsoft). (macgeneration, 2010) †¢ In the U. S. there are also cases very similar to the Apple TV, that start-up Vudu and Roku California, where boxing Box, D-Link. If they are a success they may extend to the rest of the world including the UK. (popsci, 2008) Rating: 3/10 Consumer: †¢Apple is marketing to people who have a few characteristics. Most of the time Middle/Upper income folks ages 12-35 who are willing to pay a bit more for a better user experience. Its consumers are people who enjoy technology and in this case especially people who like to conserve a lot of digital photos or video. The prime target seems to be an iTunes user who is already used to the Apple concept. But because of the Hi-Def nature of the Apple TV, only a small percentage of this target audience will really buy one. Rating: 3/10 II)The interne environment : Employees: Apple employees are trained to have very strong technical knowledge and to be very efficient in order to deliver a high standard of consumer service. Despite this, these recent years have seen the appearance of numerous scandals especially about its China factories' employees.Indeed stories about employees' suicide (BBC, 2010), employees' poisoning (Macobservers, 2010) and the presence of children of fifteen years old as employees (telegraph, 2010) has greatly tarnished the company's image. That is why Apple has seriously reviewed the maintenance of its factories in China to avoid further scandals (note a contract signed by the employees in whom they undertake not to commit suicide). Finance: †¢As Steve Jobs says, the analysis of their quarterly revenue makes us understand why â€Å"Apple is now a $50 billion company†: The Company posted revenue of $15. 68 billion and a net quarterly profit of $3. 8 billion. (Apple, 2010) †¢Apple has moved more than 250,000 units since the device went on sale. (MacWorld,2010) Rating: 5/10 III) The macro environment: This analyze will finally end with a study of he macro environment which consists of â€Å"the larger societal forces that affect the micro environment. † (Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Michael Harker and Ross Brenan; 2007, p) Political and economic †¢Analyzing the political aspect of its company we can see that Apple is a stable organization which is located in 31 countries. When it comes to the economy the company tries to adjust to the economic situation of their market. Today they have to face the crisis of 2009 which created unemployment and inflation, and has impoverished most of the population. †¢Unemployment in the UK now stands at 2. 45 million, following a fall of 9,000 in the three months to October but the inflation rate rose to 3. 2%. The UK is still very affected by the crisis. (BBC, 2010) Rating: 3/10 Social To study the sociocultural aspect of the macro environment Apple, many factors have to be taken into account †¢The population of the UK is ageing. Over the past 25 years, th e median age increased from 35 years in 1984 to 39 years in 2009.It is projected to continue to increase over the next 25 years rising to 42 by 2034. (statistics. gov,2010) †¢The culture aspect of the Apple TV environment is favorable to the success of this product because the today’s society wants always to have new technology that is more and more efficient and developed and most people will not be afraid to purchase a new technology. †¢Easy to use, their product seems perfectly adapted to this segment of the population which, while appreciating the new technology, is especially looking for product easy to use providing a simple and fun interface.Rating: 5/10 Technological †¢To improve the technology aspect of the macro environment, the company makes use of various technological innovations that help in increasing productivity and improving the quality of their products. †¢Indeed, the television industry is radically changing with the development of a ne w type of television service, the internet television. Users are now being delivered directly to TV sets in broadband-enabled households around the globe and are now offered with free-to-view television via their online ideo players, giving them more choice about how and when they watch (researchandmarkets, 2010). †¢After the failure of the product’s first edition presented in September 2006, Steve Jobs announced a second-generation version of the Apple TV in September 2010 which seemed to have many advantages compared to its predecessor. About a quarter of the size and one-third of the price of the original Apple TV, the new Apple TV dispenses with the PC/Mac link altogether, to provide a direct connection to the Web and a video download service is included. With its new product, Apple makes new improvements in online video. It puts at the disposal of users thousands and thousands of online video programs accessible via the iTunes store. The Apple TV is easy to use and prevents users from buffering, downloading, stuttering, or subscribing. (LOUDERBACK, 2008) †¢Moreover, unequal access to broadband means that viewing TV via Internet with a good level of image quality is only accessible part of the population. (Oezratty, 2010) Rating: 3/10 Environmental Because Apple knows that the ecological aspect of its production is very important to improve its image to its clients, the company uses Greenpeace as a way to recycle its polluting components (Greenpeace, 2007). Rating: 5/10 Legal And finally to switch with the law component of the macro environment Apple makes sure they comply with what the law states in the country and they respect the regulated standards of the country. In the UK Apple has to follow the EU anti-competitive laws: †¢Both UK and EU competition law prohibit agreements, arrangements and concerted business practices which prevent, restrict or distort competition. They prohibit businesses with significant market shares unfairl y exploiting their strong market positions. (out-law, 2010) Rating: 6/10 Conclusion Apple has an international popularity, a strong brand name and has considerably increased its fund in research and development. Thanks to this, most of their products have been a real success (IPod, IPhone †¦) But as Steve Jobs says the apple TV is still a hobby for the company which would like to succeed one day in the television industry, and today this product is still too weak to succeed in this market. First, the price (119? is too expensive at a time when the market has switched to the online rental. Then, most of the users will prefer to access directly to their music, films and photo with their computer using the Shortcuts to which they are used. Furthermore the Apple TV does nothing more than the box of an operator even if it is simpler with an interface that is clear and entertaining. Its possibilities are even less at some levels, since the formats supported are those dubbed by Apple: H. 624, MPEG-4, M-JPEG, AIFF, MP3, AAC, JPEG, GIF and TIFF (to mention only the main).This new market is highly competitive and Apple is not sufficiently differentiated to its competitors. Finally, the Apple's suppliers have a too important influence on the company. Final rate: 4/10 Recommendations Following the Marketing environment analysis and the conclusion some advices can be recommended to Apple. †¢Lower the price. †¢For broadband, Apple may just wait or target its bid on these target audiences that may already be well connected. †¢Apple may also overshadow all other competitors on the market by creating an application â€Å"Store TV† as the Iphone. Increase the number of format supported by the Apple TV including the divX. †¢Apple should fabricate for itself some of the Apple TV's component such as the GB flash memory. †¢Increase the number of Application downloadable for the apple TV including the Iphone's application †¢ Created a specia l Touch screen working with the Apple TV which could provide the user a manual photo or video retouching system. †¢Avoiding scandals such as the China's ones and being stricter about its foreign supplier conventions. References Book: Marketing an Introduction† (8th Edition) textbook (Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Michael Harker, Ross Brenan; 2007) Websites: -(wikinvest, 2010) Research and Development excerpt taken from the AAPL 10-K filed Jan 25, 2010. http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Apple_(AAPL)/Research_Development -(Apple,2010) Apple and procurement, 2010 http://www. apple. com/procurement/ -(postsateventide, 2010) Apple and law of large numbers, Robert Paul Leitao, July 31, 2010 http://www. postsateventide. com/2010/07/apple-and-law-of-large-numbers. tml – (oezratty, 2010) Apple peut-il reussir dans la TV? 25 august 2010 http://www. oezratty. net/wordpress/2010/apple-peut-il-reussir-dans-la-tv/ – (macgeneration, 2010) L’Apple TV, console masque, Jean-Baptiste Giraud, October 2010 http://friendfeed. com/uberapple/47cd4a0d/lapple-tv-console-masquee-macgeneration -(Apple, 2010) Apple Reports First Quarter Results http://www. apple. com/pr/library/2010/01/25results. html -(statistics. gov,2010) Fastest increase in the ‘oldest old’, Office for National Statistics; General Register Office for Scotland http://www. statistics. ov. uk/cci/nugget. asp? id=949 -(researchandmarkets, 2010) Internet Television: 2010 to 2014 – Analyzing How the Internet will Change Television http://researchandmarkets. net/reportinfo. asp? report_id=1343728&t=d&cat_id= – (Greenpeace, 2007) Tasty news from Apple! http://www. greenpeace. org/international/en/news/features/tasty-apple-news-020507/ -(Out-law, 2010) Competition law – the basics, based on UK law, updated in April 2010. http://www. out-law. com/page-5811 Newspaper: -(BBC,2010) Google and Apple heat up battle for TV screens By Maggie Shiels http://www. bc. co. u k/news/technology-11521742 -(BBC, 2010) Apple boss defends conditions at iPhone factory http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/10212604 -(BBC, 2010) UK inflation rate in surprise October increase http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/business-11764588 -(cnet new, 2010) New Apple TV may cost less than $64 to build, October 5, 2010 http://www. macnn. com/articles/10/10/05/could. prove. more. profitable/. -(Telegraph, 2010) Apple admits using child labour, Malcolm Moore, 27 Feb 2010 http://www. telegraph. co. k/technology/apple/7330986/Apple-admits-using-child-labour. html -(MacWorld,2010) Apple sales top $20 billion in fiscal fourth quarter, Oct 18, 2010, Philip Michaels http://www. macworld. com/article/154967/2010/10/4q_earnings. html -(Macobservers, 2010) China Factory Workers Claim Poisoning from Apple Products October, 2010, Jeff Gamet http://www. macobserver. com/tmo/article/china_factory_workers_claim_poisoning_from_apple_products/ -(popsci, 2008) BATTLE OF THE INTERNET VIDEO BOXES: NETFLIX VS. A PPLE TV VS. VUDU, Sean Captain, 2008 http://www. popsci. om/gear-gadgets/article/2008-06/battle-internet-video-boxes-netflix-vs-apple-tv-vs-vudu -(macnn, 2010) New Apple TV may cost less than $64 to build, October 5, 2010 http://www. macnn. com/articles/10/10/05/could. prove. more. profitable/. Reports: -(LOUDERBACK, 2008) JIM LOUDERBACK, Apple TV's Extreme Makeover, PC Magazine 27 no7 58 Je 2008 http://www. keynote. co. uk/market-intelligence/view/product/1276/digital-tv/chapter/1/executive_summary -(market report) Digital TV Market Report, 2003 http://www. keynote. co. uk/market-intelligence/reports/category/new-media Graphs: -Appendix1: The microenvironment

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Aztecs A case study essays

The Aztecs A case study essays The Aztecs are an ancient culture that had many customs and rituals that by modern standards are considered barbaric. Their culture was made up of different social classes, and was primitive yet very advanced. They were located in the mainland of Mexico, and their empire was quite vast over that area. Their culture began around 1100, and ended around 1520. The exact numbers of the Aztecs is not known due to the age of their culture, but judging by the size of their empire it was quite large. The only figure I could find was that in 1519 there were more than 1,000,000 people living in the civilizations boundaries. The reason that I was drawn to this culture was some of the practices that they had. The most interesting being the human sacrifices to the gods, and the large ball game that they played that sometimes went on for days without a stop. The Aztecs lived primarily in a fertile volcanic valley of Mexico where they built their capital city named Tenochtitlan. The land in which they lived was a plateau seeing that most of the surrounding was mountainous. The soil in the settled areas was very rich and good for growing crops, due to the volcanic eruptions that occurred. The valley of Mexico was the heartland of Aztec civilization. It is a large internally drained basin surrounded by volcanic mountains that are as high as 9,000 ft in elevation. Thousands of years of soil erosion had produced deep, rich soils in the valley and a system of shallow, swampy, salt lakes in its center. This gave the Aztecs a diverse variety of foods that could be available. The salty lakes made available fish, turtles, insect larvae, blue-green algae, and salt. The food that was eaten by the Aztecs varied by social classes. The peasants lived mainly on corn and beans, except for a duck or a crow that they may have trapped in their gar den. Their only domesticated animals were rabbits, dogs, and turkeys which were fattened and eaten on...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Clyde Kluckholm essays

Clyde Kluckholm essays 1. What is the main point and/or argument in the article? "Culture consists of the values (abstract ideals) the members of a given group hold, the norms (definite principles or rules people are expected to observe) they follow, and the material goods they create." -Introduction to Society Anthony Giddens and Mitchell Duneier. This is how culture is defined in our text. In my words culture is the transmission of behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, values, institutions, and tangible goods among groups of people in a society. Now according to Clyde Kluckholm in his article he argues that peoples culture is what makes up a society. He says that the way we get by life is constructed by one's culture. "Culture is like a map- with it you can navigate a society; without it you will be barley human" says Kluckholm. So his main point is that culture is the reason why we exist today. It is how we get by life. It is a concept which controls the way of life for us humans. 2. What theoretical and/or methodological framework does the article use, and what is the evidence for this? In this article Kluckholm proves his theory by comparing and contrasting different parts of the world to each other. Such as the women in Siberia compared to the women here in America; women in America would find the idea of plural wives absurd, however in Siberia they find it absurd if a women is selfish and is not willing to share her man. And throughout the article he gives other examples from other parts of the world. Later in the article Kluckholm demonstrates his theory by explaining and painting a picture of how a society inherits culture. He states that once an individual is "culturalized" he or she feels a sense of belonging, and is obligated to follow the culture passed down to him or her. Kluckholm also displays his agreement with Ruth Benedict's definition to the concept culture; "Culture is that which binds men together." ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

America Gets VERY Involved Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

America Gets VERY Involved - Essay Example The Buddhist crisis was a result of the repressive reforms of the President Diem in South Vietnam. The reforms were majorly against the likes of the Buddhists, who constituted the majority of the population. Until 1963, the Buddhists resisted themselves from any rebellious demonstrations as a reaction to the disliked Diem rule. However, in May 1963, this patience came to a revolutionary end, when the Diem forbade the celebration of the Buddha’s birthday by religious banners or flags. On May 8, in the city of Hue, Buddhist leaders went against this order and continued their celebrations. This led to a conflict between the Diem army and the Buddhist monks leading to an open fire demonstration that resulted in the killing of nine people and fourteen people became wounded (Brune & Burns 2003). This event was precipitated as a result of the oppressive reforms and rule of President Diem and the event was significant in showing to the world the disdain and dislike his own people had for him. The Buddhist revolt gave evidence of the immense lack of support that Diem had in his own country (Brune & Burns 2003). Another significant turning point in the Buddhist crisis was on June 11. On a busy intersection of Saigon, a monk, Thich Quang Duc poured himself with gasoline and set himself on fire only to express his contempt for Diem. The American media captured this incident immediately and the photographs of the self-immolation became the highlights in not just United States but all around the world. These horrendous pictures of a monk on fire led to a wave of criticism and immediate action. The American policies were criticized for supporting Diem who was oppressive in his handling of religious matters. The American government on the other hand, realized the deficiencies in Diem ’s presidency, and forced him to withhold his strict limitations (Moss 2009). The Buddhist revolts were a

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Definition of litreatures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Definition of litreatures - Research Paper Example However, this also comes with a price. Since the research is entirely based on questionnaires or vignettes scenarios which are a modified form of introspection itself except the fact that it’s quantifiable and less reliant on biases. Therefore, what is required is a strong background research on literature and a systematic approach towards research. How will that help make it more empirical? First, as literature includes past researches and theories on the same topic, it is easier to filter out irrelevant details and detect a platform to analyze the given data. It also provides a head start for the research in a way that it shows things already has been done in the field so that the new research is not redundant. In addition, it shows what could not be achieved in the field so that the new research is not too ambitious and it shows how to go about a research in the field so that the new research does not end up at a dead-end. Thus, a systematic approach towards the research an d an extensive literature review is a key to an authentic and successful research. This paper will dive into the depth of these processes and explore how they benefit the researcher and the project. Systematic Search The first step in a good scientific research is a systematic searching. By systematic searching, it is meant that a particular scheme is followed while searching. To start with a systematic research, the first step is to formulate a clear question which includes all critical aspects of the topic like what, why, who, how, where, when, which, where etc. This is important because once the question is formulated, one is aware of what one is looking for and the research is less prone to divert into irrelevant directions. Once one knows what one is looking for, the next step is splitting the question into independent parts what this means is to separate the relation aspect from the individuality of the topics and study them independently in their own context and then in relat ion to each other. The third step is to find a suitable database to take material from. By specifying the discipline to the system, one can access to a large amount of information on any given topic. Next step is to find the search items. Many features of the item like synonyms, plural forms, and different spellings should be attended to in this section. Once, the search takes place, it is important to pay attention to results. If the results are not many, it is better to search with different terms. If there are a lot of them, it is advisable to use more narrowed terms (Laake, 14, 2007) Systematic Review Once the systematic research is being carried out, the next important step is to review the information systematically. A systematic review comprises of several steps: first, it identifies all relevant evidences for the topic. It gathers a pool of information through systematic searching which was explained above. Next, it selects studies, which are to be included and discards the rest. This narrows down the information and brings out the most important points to be included. Third, it identifies the relevant evidence in the reports, which are selected to be included. Since only particular proofs are required from these extensive studies, this step is of crucial importance. Often, the relevant researches have just one or two important points substantiated with adequate results. It is very important to scan those out and leave the rest as they are of little importance for the research project. At the same

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evaluate the Incident Investigation,Medical Surveillance and the Case Study

Evaluate the Incident Investigation,Medical Surveillance and the Training at a Restaurant - Case Study Example This article involves evaluation of incident investigation, medical surveillance programs and the training at Winn- Dixie restaurant. An effective incident investigation will look at all the components of an incident which are its design, environmental and behavioral components and not only a single cause. An investigation should be done thoroughly because when it gets conducted poorly or it is done ineffectively, legal liability may result. Investigations should be limited to the workers who were present at the time of the incident and the investigators should obtain as much information as they can for them to be able to conduct a fair investigation (Barth, Hayes, and Ninemeier, 2001). Winn- Dixie restaurant had a case of food poisoning scare. The restaurant had to be shut down after patrons who had eaten there reported that they were feeling unwell. Restaurants have to observe food hygiene therefore the restaurant had to be closed for an investigation to be carried out. Tests that were been done by food safety consultants and environmental health officers proved to be inconclusive. Management however did not understand how contamination of food had happened as they ensured that they employed hygiene consultants. Food samples got analyzed routinely and the results that came back were always negative. More results of the tests showed that the incident might have been due to a non- specific virus. This still puzzled management as they ensured that staff members got tested when they came back from their holidays in far places to ensure that they do not have any illness with them which may affect the food and customers as well. After the cause of contamination was confirmed, more help from other food safety consultants was needed. It was apparent that safety measures were being followed by management and that the employees were attending training sessions so

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Network Interface Units Essay Example for Free

Network Interface Units Essay Wireless broadband Internet has gained more prominence among home users and small-scale businesses especially because in other setups say in legal and medical field, confidentiality is paramount and is a legal obligation. Any breach of this confidentiality is an offense. In addition, it provides inexpensive and relative speedy wireless Internet over a wider coverage area. Additionally, users expect more freedom and flexibility in using their portable computers, say at work, in the garden, and laptops hence wireless connection becomes more popular. This technology has provided users with easy access to Internet and at the same time convenience as wireless broadband technology does not use telephone cables However at the same time, it has rendered peoples personal information vulnerable to access by other users. That is, almost anyone with a good laptop with wireless connection can interfere with other networks within range especially those that are not protected form unauthorized users. This paper presents a technical report on the use of wireless Internet in domestic broadband Internet solutions. This investigation will address key areas such as how the technology works, security issues involved in the wireless Ethernet installation, implications of using wireless internet within the web based information system, configuration and setup issues, ways in which wireless internets can be made more secure and future solutions to the security concerns of wireless Ethernet internet. Introduction. The wireless networking technology operates in more or less the same way as the conventional LAN only without the physical wires. The personal computer has to have a wireless network card which is sort of an Ethernet adapter. This makes the computer establish a connection with the service provider network. Depending on the model, an access port can support up to sixteen machines. The wireless broadband technology uses radio waves that transmit and receive data on air unlike the traditional cable and ADSL broadband that use telephone lines. (Shay, 1998) Basically, all one needs is a Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) in the building where one wants to get connected. In this area there has to be radio signals. In cases where there aren’t any in sight then multiple hubs may be installed to act as logical diverters of the radio signals. A CPE comprises of NIU (Network Interface Units) which provide circuit emulation and internet data services. The Ethernet data services are simply mounted on top of the building where the Internet is being installed i. e. the transceiver and the antennae unit. The advantage of wireless broadband technology is that they are fast and more reliable than the others with up to 256kbps speeds (Tanenbaum, 2002) Wireless broadband networks transmit data to towers hosted by the service provider, which then the NUI and the Ethernet data services then pick up and deliver to a users personal computer or laptop. Wireless connections use DHCP (digital host configuration protocol) which assigns the IP address without the intervention of the configuration from the network administrator or the intervention of the user. The wireless broadband technology also uses modems just like the ADSL and traditional cables only that in wireless broadband connections the modem has an inbuilt antennae which links your computer to the nearest service provider tower (Spainhour Eckstein, 2003)

Sunday, October 27, 2019

How Effective is the Internet for Meeting People?

How Effective is the Internet for Meeting People? How effective is the internet as a means of meeting new people? Examine the successes and failures of internet dating. Background History: In recent years ‘internet dating’ has become very popular for a number of reasons, mainly due to its ease and convenience. In a world where single people often have little time to socialise and find it hard to meet like minded people the internet has provided a link to the world of dating and romance. The scope of people it appeals to is far reaching with men and women of all ages, backgrounds and ethnicities interested. The number of internet dating sites is continually growing and has become a very successful and effective business. It is estimated that around 6 million people in Britain belong to an internet dating site. Certainly the stigma which was attached to internet dating a few years ago seems to have passed. (University of Bath Study, 2005) Statistics show that internet dating is big business with leading sites such as Yahoo Personals and drawing in 4.9 million visitors and 4.2 million visitors respectively in January 2004 alone. (Blazier, 2004) Research: So just how successful is internet dating as a means of meeting new people?   Leading internet dating company was launched in 1995 and estimates that through their site hundreds of thousands of relationships have been formed. Moreover, estimates that over 200,000 members found the person they were seeking through the site. (, 2005) In 2004 a survey was set up by the with results again indicating high success rates for internet dating. The study found that 12% of the 4743 couples registered had met on dating websites. The study also discovered than over 70% of those who had met their partners through internet dating sites were happy to openly admit this to friends and would recommend internet dating to the people around them. (, 2005) Furthermore, a recent and crucially, an independent research study has also concluded that internet dating is officially a successful way of meeting new people and forming friendships or romance attachments and summarises that online dating can indeed be a success for many people. The University of Bath in conjunction with Dr Gavin, Dr Scott and Dr Duffield, carried out an online survey of 229 people aged between 18-65 who had previously used internet dating sites.   The study   (2005)   found that when couples who had spent time forming friendships through emailing or chatting online met for the first time, 94% of them went on to see one another again. Of these relationships formed, on average they lasted for approx 7 months, with 18% of them lasting for over a year. Such figures are in line with relationships formed in more traditional ways. (University of Bath Study, 2005) The study also brought up a number of other interesting facts; the degree to which the couples interacted before meeting up seemed to play a vital role in the success of the relationship. For example, those who talked on the telephone before meeting up and those who chatted simultaneously online (as opposed to simply emailing) were found to have formed ‘deeper’ and more emotional attachments. Similarly, those couples who exchanged gifts before meeting up seemed to form deeper and more committed relationships. The study concluded that simultaneous communication forms more of an intimacy. Interestingly, the research showed that men were generally more likely to be committed to the relationship than the women, and tended to be more dependent upon the women. One explanation for this was the fact that perhaps men felt more comfortable with the anonymity which writing brings as it gave them a chance to express their emotions more easily than they would have been able to face to face. It seems that likewise webcams were not viewed as desirable or successful with anonynimity being preferred. Dr Gavin (Author of Research Study) stated that; â€Å"We also found people are shying away from using webcams because they feel its important not to see their partners for some time – there is something special about text-bases relationships.† (University of Bath Study, 2005) Of all the relationships studied, 39% of the couples were still together at the time of the survey, and of these 24% of the couples had been together for at least a year, and 8% for at least 2 years. Of the relationships which had ended, 14% had lasted for over a year, and 4% had lasted over 2 years. (University of Bath Study, 2005) Successes: Invariably there are always going to be people who are more successful at meeting others than some. Many suggest there is a lot you can do to maximise the success of your internet dating experience. For example, the first thing you need to do is produce a great profile to post online. Dating websites such as the express the importance of posting a photo alongside your profile, preferable a happy one! This helps ensure people take the trouble to actually read your profile if they like the look of you. The information in your profile should be kept simple and honest. Good grammar and spelling is also a must. (Dr Black, 2003) like many of its rivals offers advice on dating tips and how to find a successful relationship. They suggest that you become a ‘go-getter’ and don’t just wait for others to respond to your profile but actively seek out profiles of like minded members and beginning posting immediately. The theory obviously being that the more people you respond to, the more likely to are you find someone suitable. Obviously for the highest chances of success you should be contacting people who appeal to you, particularly in terms of their hobbies and interests as well as their location. Similarly, they advise that you should respond quickly to members who have contacted you. You should not worry about seeming to eager, good manners win out here. These tips they argue maximise your potential of successfully meeting people and forming a relationship through internet dating. There are obviously many happy stories of both relationships and friendships formed through internet dating. It gives people an opportunity they may not have had otherwise for many reasons. For example some personal success stories follow: â€Å".I was very sceptical at first, not really thinking it would work. Anyway I decided ‘nothing ventured nothing gained’ and sent 6 emails, I received 4 replies, Becky was one of themsince I last contacted you Becky and I have got engaged, we are so happy†¦. meeting Becky has made my life complete.† Graham ( â€Å"What a brilliant service, I have found the girl of my dreams and we are now going strong. Keep up the good work!†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Patrick   ( â€Å"I met my wife on a dating website. We married last April and are expecting our first baby this April. We couldnt be happier. Ive met the love of my life. My soul mate. I would recommend dating websites to anyone. They do work.† Adam Stevenson, Plaistow, West Sussex, England(BBC News Page, 2005) Certainly for shy people or those who fear rejection the internet has opened up a new world. They can contact people who are in the same position as them without fear.   Failures: Aswell as the success stories there also seem to be some failures. At the very least there are a number of common pitfalls to internet dating. While most subscribers will desire a large number of responses to their profile, this can actually backfire on you if you end up receiving far to many to cope with. Conway (from discusses how he once received 56 responses to his profile and found this rather overwhelming, meaning he had to spend a huge amount of time replying to all the women and basically often repeating what he had said and asking the same questions over again as he couldn’t keep on top of the correspondence; â€Å"I cant tell you how many times Ive been embarrassed because I asked a woman the same question four or five times.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Likewise, it can be a disappointment to some who do not receive as many responses to their profiles as expected. On a more serious note its important to be aware of the dangers of internet dating as a means of meeting people. The main concern for the user is that the person they are contacting is not who he/she says they are and what they are telling you is not true. There is no way to monitor this and it is purely down to human judgement and experience. A bad experience may put you off internet dating for good. Dating sites urge a strong need for caution. One of the biggest pitfalls of internet dating seems to be the issue of whether all of the users are infact single. It is very common that many people will claim to be divorced or single when infact they are not. The internet is an easy way to cheat for these people with little of the risks involved were they to meet someone in a more conventional sense. Jennifer describes her personal unhappy experience of internet dating: â€Å"I tried it a long time ago, but the men I met were all, without exception. control-freaks, psychos and/or chauvinists, and usually married. From a personal point of view, I’d say avoid it like the plague, but if it is all you have got, be very, very careful. It is far too common an occurrence that women get caught in dangerous situations using the world wide web.† Jennifer, UK (BBC News Page, 2005) In agreement that internet dating is not a viable option to forming new relationships Sarah say; â€Å"Internet dating never works. You can be sure that if a person says one thing to you, they are saying the exact same thing to someone else.† Sarah UK (BBC News Page, 2005) Sadly too, often many con artists will use internet dating sites in order to attract people who may be wealthy. Advice suggests you should never reveal anything financial about yourself and most certainly never offer to help someone out with money. There is also the issue of age with the minimum age being 18; however, again there is no way to verify this. Similarly, there is no true way of knowing until you meet up whether that photo posted in the profile is really a genuine one. If you meet up with someone who has deliberately misled you the experience of internet dating is unlikely to be a successful one. ( There are also risks involved when the internet dater takes the next step and decides to meet up with the person they have been chatting with. While most meetings will at the very least be harmless ones its important to be aware that the person you are meeting could be dangerous or unstable. The advice given is to always meet in a public place, maybe even bring along a friend. Never meet in a private place where you will be alone and never give out your home address to a stranger. The chances of meeting someone dangerous are not high but awareness is needed. ( Conclusion: Whilst it is clear that internet websites are becoming increasingly popular in a society where people find it difficult to socialise and date in a more conventional fashion, it is somewhat unclear just how successful internet dating is for meeting people, or more importantly, in meeting the ‘right’ person and forming long term attachments. Whilst researching the information I have found that there are numerous stories and experiences which support the idea that internet dating in indeed a very successful way of meeting people, however, there are an awful lot of people who say it has been unsuccessful for them. I think it is important to consider the aspect of ‘luck’ in internet dating just as you would in traditional dating. Despite this, however, the internet obviously opens up a wide potential for meeting people and therefore logic would argue that with access to more potential partners it is more likely you may meet the one who is destined for you. Certainly for many people who otherwise would not have even been on the dating scene the internet opens up huge possibilities and success can definitely be found. Infact I would conclude that whilst there are both successes and failures to be found, the majority of the somewhat slim available research on the topic does strongly suggest that the internet is a successful way of meeting people. Certainly all the internet dating sites will agree with this statement and offer and display numerous personal success stories, but more importantly, an independent study carried out by the University of Bath strongly indicated that many long lasting relationships were formed through this method of dating and that couples had as good a chance of staying together as relationships formed in more traditional settings. It must be noted again that the research on this topic is still slim and the study was not a major one but nevertheless evidence available overall strongly suggests that internet dating is a success. Certainly there are ways in order to make internet dating more successful for you and I discussed these earlier. There are also pitfalls to internet dating again discussed earlier. The key seems to be to persevere just as you would in any other dating scenario and the outcome looks good. Bibliography:, Dating Tips, available from (accessed on 12/03/05), Members Feedback, available from (accessed on 12/03.05) -University of Bath Study, 14th Feb 2005, available from  Ã‚ (accessed on 12/3/05) -Jones, Techniques of successful internet daters, available from (accessed on 12/3/05) Dr Black, The Internet Cafà ©, Internet Dating: How to be successful and safe, 2003 available from (accessed on 12/3/05) -Blazier, Internet dating service blissfully successful in lasting relationships, March 6th 2004, available from (accessed on 12/3/05) -Ambit Gambit, Internet Dating: Looking for love in all the wrong places, April 30th 2004, available from (accessed on 12/03.05), Dating and love, available from (accessed on 12/03/05) -BBC News Page, Online dating good for romance, 14th February 2005, available from (accessed on 12/03/05) -The dangers on internet dating, 21st March 2003, available from (accessed on 12/03/05), More married and engaged couples meet on than any other dating website, February 8th 2005, available from (accessed on 13/03/05)