Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evaluate the Incident Investigation,Medical Surveillance and the Case Study

Evaluate the Incident Investigation,Medical Surveillance and the Training at a Restaurant - Case Study Example This article involves evaluation of incident investigation, medical surveillance programs and the training at Winn- Dixie restaurant. An effective incident investigation will look at all the components of an incident which are its design, environmental and behavioral components and not only a single cause. An investigation should be done thoroughly because when it gets conducted poorly or it is done ineffectively, legal liability may result. Investigations should be limited to the workers who were present at the time of the incident and the investigators should obtain as much information as they can for them to be able to conduct a fair investigation (Barth, Hayes, and Ninemeier, 2001). Winn- Dixie restaurant had a case of food poisoning scare. The restaurant had to be shut down after patrons who had eaten there reported that they were feeling unwell. Restaurants have to observe food hygiene therefore the restaurant had to be closed for an investigation to be carried out. Tests that were been done by food safety consultants and environmental health officers proved to be inconclusive. Management however did not understand how contamination of food had happened as they ensured that they employed hygiene consultants. Food samples got analyzed routinely and the results that came back were always negative. More results of the tests showed that the incident might have been due to a non- specific virus. This still puzzled management as they ensured that staff members got tested when they came back from their holidays in far places to ensure that they do not have any illness with them which may affect the food and customers as well. After the cause of contamination was confirmed, more help from other food safety consultants was needed. It was apparent that safety measures were being followed by management and that the employees were attending training sessions so

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Network Interface Units Essay Example for Free

Network Interface Units Essay Wireless broadband Internet has gained more prominence among home users and small-scale businesses especially because in other setups say in legal and medical field, confidentiality is paramount and is a legal obligation. Any breach of this confidentiality is an offense. In addition, it provides inexpensive and relative speedy wireless Internet over a wider coverage area. Additionally, users expect more freedom and flexibility in using their portable computers, say at work, in the garden, and laptops hence wireless connection becomes more popular. This technology has provided users with easy access to Internet and at the same time convenience as wireless broadband technology does not use telephone cables However at the same time, it has rendered peoples personal information vulnerable to access by other users. That is, almost anyone with a good laptop with wireless connection can interfere with other networks within range especially those that are not protected form unauthorized users. This paper presents a technical report on the use of wireless Internet in domestic broadband Internet solutions. This investigation will address key areas such as how the technology works, security issues involved in the wireless Ethernet installation, implications of using wireless internet within the web based information system, configuration and setup issues, ways in which wireless internets can be made more secure and future solutions to the security concerns of wireless Ethernet internet. Introduction. The wireless networking technology operates in more or less the same way as the conventional LAN only without the physical wires. The personal computer has to have a wireless network card which is sort of an Ethernet adapter. This makes the computer establish a connection with the service provider network. Depending on the model, an access port can support up to sixteen machines. The wireless broadband technology uses radio waves that transmit and receive data on air unlike the traditional cable and ADSL broadband that use telephone lines. (Shay, 1998) Basically, all one needs is a Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) in the building where one wants to get connected. In this area there has to be radio signals. In cases where there aren’t any in sight then multiple hubs may be installed to act as logical diverters of the radio signals. A CPE comprises of NIU (Network Interface Units) which provide circuit emulation and internet data services. The Ethernet data services are simply mounted on top of the building where the Internet is being installed i. e. the transceiver and the antennae unit. The advantage of wireless broadband technology is that they are fast and more reliable than the others with up to 256kbps speeds (Tanenbaum, 2002) Wireless broadband networks transmit data to towers hosted by the service provider, which then the NUI and the Ethernet data services then pick up and deliver to a users personal computer or laptop. Wireless connections use DHCP (digital host configuration protocol) which assigns the IP address without the intervention of the configuration from the network administrator or the intervention of the user. The wireless broadband technology also uses modems just like the ADSL and traditional cables only that in wireless broadband connections the modem has an inbuilt antennae which links your computer to the nearest service provider tower (Spainhour Eckstein, 2003)

Sunday, October 27, 2019

How Effective is the Internet for Meeting People?

How Effective is the Internet for Meeting People? How effective is the internet as a means of meeting new people? Examine the successes and failures of internet dating. Background History: In recent years ‘internet dating’ has become very popular for a number of reasons, mainly due to its ease and convenience. In a world where single people often have little time to socialise and find it hard to meet like minded people the internet has provided a link to the world of dating and romance. The scope of people it appeals to is far reaching with men and women of all ages, backgrounds and ethnicities interested. The number of internet dating sites is continually growing and has become a very successful and effective business. It is estimated that around 6 million people in Britain belong to an internet dating site. Certainly the stigma which was attached to internet dating a few years ago seems to have passed. (University of Bath Study, 2005) Statistics show that internet dating is big business with leading sites such as Yahoo Personals and drawing in 4.9 million visitors and 4.2 million visitors respectively in January 2004 alone. (Blazier, 2004) Research: So just how successful is internet dating as a means of meeting new people?   Leading internet dating company was launched in 1995 and estimates that through their site hundreds of thousands of relationships have been formed. Moreover, estimates that over 200,000 members found the person they were seeking through the site. (, 2005) In 2004 a survey was set up by the with results again indicating high success rates for internet dating. The study found that 12% of the 4743 couples registered had met on dating websites. The study also discovered than over 70% of those who had met their partners through internet dating sites were happy to openly admit this to friends and would recommend internet dating to the people around them. (, 2005) Furthermore, a recent and crucially, an independent research study has also concluded that internet dating is officially a successful way of meeting new people and forming friendships or romance attachments and summarises that online dating can indeed be a success for many people. The University of Bath in conjunction with Dr Gavin, Dr Scott and Dr Duffield, carried out an online survey of 229 people aged between 18-65 who had previously used internet dating sites.   The study   (2005)   found that when couples who had spent time forming friendships through emailing or chatting online met for the first time, 94% of them went on to see one another again. Of these relationships formed, on average they lasted for approx 7 months, with 18% of them lasting for over a year. Such figures are in line with relationships formed in more traditional ways. (University of Bath Study, 2005) The study also brought up a number of other interesting facts; the degree to which the couples interacted before meeting up seemed to play a vital role in the success of the relationship. For example, those who talked on the telephone before meeting up and those who chatted simultaneously online (as opposed to simply emailing) were found to have formed ‘deeper’ and more emotional attachments. Similarly, those couples who exchanged gifts before meeting up seemed to form deeper and more committed relationships. The study concluded that simultaneous communication forms more of an intimacy. Interestingly, the research showed that men were generally more likely to be committed to the relationship than the women, and tended to be more dependent upon the women. One explanation for this was the fact that perhaps men felt more comfortable with the anonymity which writing brings as it gave them a chance to express their emotions more easily than they would have been able to face to face. It seems that likewise webcams were not viewed as desirable or successful with anonynimity being preferred. Dr Gavin (Author of Research Study) stated that; â€Å"We also found people are shying away from using webcams because they feel its important not to see their partners for some time – there is something special about text-bases relationships.† (University of Bath Study, 2005) Of all the relationships studied, 39% of the couples were still together at the time of the survey, and of these 24% of the couples had been together for at least a year, and 8% for at least 2 years. Of the relationships which had ended, 14% had lasted for over a year, and 4% had lasted over 2 years. (University of Bath Study, 2005) Successes: Invariably there are always going to be people who are more successful at meeting others than some. Many suggest there is a lot you can do to maximise the success of your internet dating experience. For example, the first thing you need to do is produce a great profile to post online. Dating websites such as the express the importance of posting a photo alongside your profile, preferable a happy one! This helps ensure people take the trouble to actually read your profile if they like the look of you. The information in your profile should be kept simple and honest. Good grammar and spelling is also a must. (Dr Black, 2003) like many of its rivals offers advice on dating tips and how to find a successful relationship. They suggest that you become a ‘go-getter’ and don’t just wait for others to respond to your profile but actively seek out profiles of like minded members and beginning posting immediately. The theory obviously being that the more people you respond to, the more likely to are you find someone suitable. Obviously for the highest chances of success you should be contacting people who appeal to you, particularly in terms of their hobbies and interests as well as their location. Similarly, they advise that you should respond quickly to members who have contacted you. You should not worry about seeming to eager, good manners win out here. These tips they argue maximise your potential of successfully meeting people and forming a relationship through internet dating. There are obviously many happy stories of both relationships and friendships formed through internet dating. It gives people an opportunity they may not have had otherwise for many reasons. For example some personal success stories follow: â€Å".I was very sceptical at first, not really thinking it would work. Anyway I decided ‘nothing ventured nothing gained’ and sent 6 emails, I received 4 replies, Becky was one of themsince I last contacted you Becky and I have got engaged, we are so happy†¦. meeting Becky has made my life complete.† Graham ( â€Å"What a brilliant service, I have found the girl of my dreams and we are now going strong. Keep up the good work!†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Patrick   ( â€Å"I met my wife on a dating website. We married last April and are expecting our first baby this April. We couldnt be happier. Ive met the love of my life. My soul mate. I would recommend dating websites to anyone. They do work.† Adam Stevenson, Plaistow, West Sussex, England(BBC News Page, 2005) Certainly for shy people or those who fear rejection the internet has opened up a new world. They can contact people who are in the same position as them without fear.   Failures: Aswell as the success stories there also seem to be some failures. At the very least there are a number of common pitfalls to internet dating. While most subscribers will desire a large number of responses to their profile, this can actually backfire on you if you end up receiving far to many to cope with. Conway (from discusses how he once received 56 responses to his profile and found this rather overwhelming, meaning he had to spend a huge amount of time replying to all the women and basically often repeating what he had said and asking the same questions over again as he couldn’t keep on top of the correspondence; â€Å"I cant tell you how many times Ive been embarrassed because I asked a woman the same question four or five times.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Likewise, it can be a disappointment to some who do not receive as many responses to their profiles as expected. On a more serious note its important to be aware of the dangers of internet dating as a means of meeting people. The main concern for the user is that the person they are contacting is not who he/she says they are and what they are telling you is not true. There is no way to monitor this and it is purely down to human judgement and experience. A bad experience may put you off internet dating for good. Dating sites urge a strong need for caution. One of the biggest pitfalls of internet dating seems to be the issue of whether all of the users are infact single. It is very common that many people will claim to be divorced or single when infact they are not. The internet is an easy way to cheat for these people with little of the risks involved were they to meet someone in a more conventional sense. Jennifer describes her personal unhappy experience of internet dating: â€Å"I tried it a long time ago, but the men I met were all, without exception. control-freaks, psychos and/or chauvinists, and usually married. From a personal point of view, I’d say avoid it like the plague, but if it is all you have got, be very, very careful. It is far too common an occurrence that women get caught in dangerous situations using the world wide web.† Jennifer, UK (BBC News Page, 2005) In agreement that internet dating is not a viable option to forming new relationships Sarah say; â€Å"Internet dating never works. You can be sure that if a person says one thing to you, they are saying the exact same thing to someone else.† Sarah UK (BBC News Page, 2005) Sadly too, often many con artists will use internet dating sites in order to attract people who may be wealthy. Advice suggests you should never reveal anything financial about yourself and most certainly never offer to help someone out with money. There is also the issue of age with the minimum age being 18; however, again there is no way to verify this. Similarly, there is no true way of knowing until you meet up whether that photo posted in the profile is really a genuine one. If you meet up with someone who has deliberately misled you the experience of internet dating is unlikely to be a successful one. ( There are also risks involved when the internet dater takes the next step and decides to meet up with the person they have been chatting with. While most meetings will at the very least be harmless ones its important to be aware that the person you are meeting could be dangerous or unstable. The advice given is to always meet in a public place, maybe even bring along a friend. Never meet in a private place where you will be alone and never give out your home address to a stranger. The chances of meeting someone dangerous are not high but awareness is needed. ( Conclusion: Whilst it is clear that internet websites are becoming increasingly popular in a society where people find it difficult to socialise and date in a more conventional fashion, it is somewhat unclear just how successful internet dating is for meeting people, or more importantly, in meeting the ‘right’ person and forming long term attachments. Whilst researching the information I have found that there are numerous stories and experiences which support the idea that internet dating in indeed a very successful way of meeting people, however, there are an awful lot of people who say it has been unsuccessful for them. I think it is important to consider the aspect of ‘luck’ in internet dating just as you would in traditional dating. Despite this, however, the internet obviously opens up a wide potential for meeting people and therefore logic would argue that with access to more potential partners it is more likely you may meet the one who is destined for you. Certainly for many people who otherwise would not have even been on the dating scene the internet opens up huge possibilities and success can definitely be found. Infact I would conclude that whilst there are both successes and failures to be found, the majority of the somewhat slim available research on the topic does strongly suggest that the internet is a successful way of meeting people. Certainly all the internet dating sites will agree with this statement and offer and display numerous personal success stories, but more importantly, an independent study carried out by the University of Bath strongly indicated that many long lasting relationships were formed through this method of dating and that couples had as good a chance of staying together as relationships formed in more traditional settings. It must be noted again that the research on this topic is still slim and the study was not a major one but nevertheless evidence available overall strongly suggests that internet dating is a success. Certainly there are ways in order to make internet dating more successful for you and I discussed these earlier. There are also pitfalls to internet dating again discussed earlier. The key seems to be to persevere just as you would in any other dating scenario and the outcome looks good. Bibliography:, Dating Tips, available from (accessed on 12/03/05), Members Feedback, available from (accessed on 12/03.05) -University of Bath Study, 14th Feb 2005, available from  Ã‚ (accessed on 12/3/05) -Jones, Techniques of successful internet daters, available from (accessed on 12/3/05) Dr Black, The Internet Cafà ©, Internet Dating: How to be successful and safe, 2003 available from (accessed on 12/3/05) -Blazier, Internet dating service blissfully successful in lasting relationships, March 6th 2004, available from (accessed on 12/3/05) -Ambit Gambit, Internet Dating: Looking for love in all the wrong places, April 30th 2004, available from (accessed on 12/03.05), Dating and love, available from (accessed on 12/03/05) -BBC News Page, Online dating good for romance, 14th February 2005, available from (accessed on 12/03/05) -The dangers on internet dating, 21st March 2003, available from (accessed on 12/03/05), More married and engaged couples meet on than any other dating website, February 8th 2005, available from (accessed on 13/03/05)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hard Tmes Essay -- Papers

Hard Tmes Snakes....specialists of deception. They enter our lives unnoticed and set out to accomplish evil plans. Snakes are twisters. Like a rattle snake, it attracts your attention with its tail then at the last moment strikes a venomous blow only to see you fall from the point you have risen. Snakes challenge your choice with sneaky tricks and can even lure you to disobey God. If that isn't enough I have to also cope with the stress of school, the racism in the community and the obsession that a young man gets for the opposite sex. My problems may seem little, but even the smallest thing can be a factor of what has caused a scared and frightened teenager to hate the world. I've always seen myself as me. Steve Marshall. An averaged height, not really popular, sixteen year old Afro-Caribbean who's often discriminated against by narrow minded child like people because of his race, a boy who likes to take good pride in himself because there is no-one else to do it for him. I mean my father has never been there for me, nothing but broken promises and lies which hurts me so much, but not even the pain that I bare could ever deny me loving him. The only thing that may seem unusual about me is the fact that I am often sick and I have to take three pills a day to keep me healthy. Ms Ramstad a.k.a Peaches or mum, well step-mum; after all she is married to my dad. She tries her hardest to look after me but I think she believes that she doesn't have the same authority over me like my real mother would. My dad abandoned us when I was young and ever since Peaches has struggled and tried her best to cope on minimum wages with the responsib... me with those huge needles. No way, that would have never happened, but I do give it to Steve the disease he was successful in his mission. He was the toughest snake my life has ever handled, and the biggest factor to my demise. Yes that's right my demise. He has knocked me off my Pedestal and climbed right up. That can only mean that he has successfully taken my place. He should be me. Well everything I ever wanted to be. Now I have realized that the world is full of lying cheating and backstabbing people, so who can blame a broken teenager for hating the world. Even though he isn't here now Steve the disease belongs in this world not me. So this is the last chapter in the diary of my life. The life of Steve Marshall before I commit the tragic event called suicide. I really can't go on through all these HARDTIMES.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

As I Lay Dying Analysis Essay

February 18, 2013 Duty is a Four Letter Word with a Three Character Meaning In William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying, the Bundrens sacrifice a great deal to lay Addie in her final resting place at Jefferson. They obediently follow her burial orders despite the hardships along the way because of the moral obligation they have to their mother and wife. These ignorant people may not have had the task of taking their father’s place in the Chinese army and fending off the Huns to defend the emperor, they just had to get to one place with a coffin. However, the size of the sacrifice does not matter because duty is duty.Helen Keller once said, â€Å"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. † This quote emphasizes the theme of duty in As I Lay Dying because even though the endeavor of taking their deceased family member to her home town was not an enormous achievement for the sake of manki nd, it still significantly mattered to the Bundrens. Duty is considerably expressed by the characters Dewey Dell, Darl and Jewel. Dewey Dell makes a striking introduction into the minds of the reader when questions arise like â€Å"Why does she keep talking about cakes? to â€Å"Is this character a woman? † Faulkner first epitomizes Dewey Dell as the annoying girl who sat fanning her mother for days, not letting Addie get a break or the others a proper chance to say goodbye to their mother or wife. She slowly transforms into a more mature and astute character when Addie dies and she is forced right away to perform her duties as the woman of the house. Faulkner writes, â€Å"Pa looks down at the face, at the black sprawl of Dewey Dell’s hair, the out-flung arms, the clutched fan now motionless on the fading quilt. â€Å"I reckon you better get supper on,† he says. Dewey Dell does not move. † But she does move.She gets up and makes supper and the audience also sees a motherly role thrust upon Dewey Dell in two ways. One of which is through her unexpected pregnancy and the other is in how she has to take care of young Vardaman from then on. Cash, Anse or Jewel would not care about the wellbeing of Vardaman and so Dewey Dell has to watch the â€Å"baby† of the family. She also exemplifies duty in her pregnancy by how alone she has to face the consequences. With a small bit of money from Lafe, she must go to drugstore after drugstore, quietly begging the pharmacist to get her the poson she is desperate for with the quiet of her eyes.Faulkner seems to think that it is not a 50/50 split in responsibility between Lafe and Dewey Dell as he imposes duty on her so much as to even fall into the hands of such scum as MacGowan. Another character Faulkner instills duty on is Darl. Darl feels like it is his responsibility to keep track of every one. Unlike Dewey Dell or Jewel, he is incapable of interacting and participating in the family t he way they do, but he contributes to duty in other means. He stayed on the farm and helped out his mother and father until the years grew by and he turned thirty.He fulfilled his duty by helping out his parents for longer than should have been allowed, even prompting Cora Tull to say, â€Å"Maybe Cash and Darl can get married now. † His mother had taken over his life but his spite towards her and her fiendish ways could not distract Darl from doing his duty and helping get Addie to Jefferson. The final Faulkner bombards with duty is Jewel. As one of the youngest siblings yet so close to manhood, Jewel was stuck in a transaction of being his mother’s favorite to proving to his brothers he was a tough and serious person.For some reason, it always seemed to be Jewel’s duty to rescue his coffin-confined mother. When Addie lets loose in the water, Jewel has to be the one to save her because Cash could not swim, Vardaman was too small, Anse was a careless brute and s he slipped right out of Darl’s reach. Then again, when the Gillespie barn begins to flare bright with flames, Jewel is the one to throw himself into the barn to ger her out. He even does more than that, helping the men find the cow and get it to come outside.In saving Addie, he sacrifices much more than exhaustion this time, suffering as described by this passage, â€Å"His back was red. Dewey Dell put the medicine on it. The medicine was made out of butter and soot, to draw out the fire. Then his back was black. † Jewel’s purpose in As I lay Dying is to salvage his mother time and time again even though he does not want to. He never returned his mother’s affections and barely acknowledged her yet in her death he developed a sense of duty to his mother because he knew subconsciously that he was probably the only stable ‘Bundren’ left.William Faulkner’s As I lay Dying portrays the theme of duty in a very distinct and barely comprehendib le way. His stream-of-consciousness narrations from the characters of Dewey Dell, Darl and Jewel plainly bring out the underlying forms of duty these siblings elicit. Even though some duties are larger than others as noticed by the quote, â€Å"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble,† by Helen Keller, other tasks have to be achieved not for the sake of size but for the sake of duty to others.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol Essay

INTRODUCTION A Christmas Carol (1843) is one of the most recognizable stories in English literature. With its numerous literary, stage, television, radio, and cinematic adaptations, the tale has become a holiday classic, and the character Ebenezer Scrooge has become a cultural icon. First published in 1843, the novella garnered immediate critical and commercial attention and is credited with reviving interest in charitable endeavors, the possible perils of economic success, and festive traditions of the Christmas season. It is the first work in Dickens’s series of Christmas stories known collectively as the Christmas Books, as well as the most popular and enduring. Plot and Major Characters Set in the 1840s on Christmas Eve, A Christmas Carol chronicles the personal transformation of the protagonist, Ebenezer Scrooge, the proprietor of a London counting house. A wealthy, elderly man, Scrooge is considered miserly and misanthropic: he has no wife or children; he throws out two men collecting for charity; he bullies and underpays his loyal clerk, Bob Cratchit; and he dismisses the Christmas dinner invitation of his kind nephew, Fred. Moreover, Scrooge is a strong supporter of the Poor Law of 1834, which allowed the poor to be interned in workhouses. As he prepares for bed on Christmas Eve in his solitary, dark chambers, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former partner, Jacob Marley. In life Marley was very similar in attitude and temperament to Scrooge: remote, cruel, and parsimonious. In death he has learned the value of compassion and warns Scrooge to reform his ways before it is too late. Marley announces that Scrooge will be visited by three more specters: the Spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come. The Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge back to his unhappy childhood, revealing that the young boy’s experiences with poverty and abandonment inspired a desire to succeed and gain material advantage. Unfortunately, Scrooge’s burgeoning ambition and greed destroyed his relationship with his fiancà ©e and his friends. The Ghost of Christmas Present is represented by a hearty, genial man who reminds Scrooge of the joy of human companionship, which he has rejected in favor of his misanthropic existence. Finally, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come appears in a dark robe and shrouded in mystery. Silently, the ghost reveals the ambivalent reaction to news of Scrooge’s own death. Scrooge realizes that he will die alone and without love, and that he has the power and money to help those around him—especially Bob Cratchit’s ailing son, Tiny Tim. Scrooge begs the ghost for another chance and wakes in his bed on Christmas morning, resolved to changing his life by being generous and loving to his family, employees, and the poor. Major Themes A Christmas Carol has been deemed a biting piece of social commentary by some. Critics have underscored the scathing criticism of 1840s London, an economically and socially stratified city that Dickens believed imprisoned its poor and oppressed its lower classes. The prevailing socio-economic theory of that time held that anyone who was in debt should be put in a poorhouse. In his story, Dickens contended that the reformation of such a materialistic, shallow society can be achieved gradually through the spiritual transformation of each individual. The story is well regarded for its expression of a fundamental faith in humanity and its unflagging censure of social injustice, which was inspired by Dickens’s troubled background and his visit to the Cornish tin mines where he observed young children laboring under appalling conditions. As Scrooge transforms from a cruel, embittered miser to a kindly philanthropist, Dickens advocates a more forgiving, generous society that values spiritual growth, not material wealth. Other major thematic concerns in A Christmas Carol include the role of memory, the importance of family, and the soul-deadening effect of greed on the human spirit. Critical Reception Upon its initial publication, A Christmas Carol was greeted with mixed reviews. Some commentators derided the tale as too sentimental and laden with exaggeration; other critics maintained that A Christmas Carol lacked the complexity of Dickens’s later work. Yet the novella remains a Christmas favorite. Commentators praise Dickens’s evocative portrayal of 1840s London and his passionate exploration of social and political issues. Dickens’s fervent belief in social justice as depicted through A Christmas Carol is credited with inspiring an outpouring of charitable endeavors during his time and a revival of Christmas spirit and traditional celebrations. Critics have also explored the fairy-tale and gothic elements in A Christmas Carol, and many praise Dickens’s use of wry humor in the story. The relevance and power of Scrooge’s transformation from forlorn old niggard to benignant philanthropist is regarded as the key to the novella’s unflagging popular appeal. Several scholars have debated the nature of Scrooge’s conversion, which is known as â€Å"the Scrooge problem.† Some critics, including Edmund Wilson, conclude that the transformation is a temporary one; others have maintained that it is total and irrevocable. Scrooge’s metanoia has also been placed within its historical and literary context, and critics have related it to the religious revival then fervent in nineteenth-century England. A few full-length studies of the novella have traced the impact of the story on English and American culture and have discussed the copious imitations, adaptations, and modernized versions of the tale.

How To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example

How To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example How To Kill a Mockingbird Essay How To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Essay Topic: To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee relates her ideas to Betrand Russell by presenting inequality in To Kill a Mockingbird. A young girl from Maycomb Alabama, comprehends the inequality existing in her world through her unbelievable experience. When her father gets a case to support a â€Å"Negro† in a trail, her curiosity about discrimination increases and begins to have a new approach to what is happening around her. As her character develops, she learns about social inequality and how it affects people with different ethnic background. By the time it has all finished, she looks backward to her childhood time, having learned about injustice, racism, poverty and intolerance. The prolonged metaphor of a mockingbird materializes throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, exhibiting the overall theme of inequality. Atticus Finch leads a respectable life as a responsible father because he follows a set of rules, and he makes sure that his children live by them as well. Furthermore a saying from Atticus, Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. Its knowing youre licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do† (Lee, 149). Atticus is a strong fighter against racism and prejudice and he will never offend any innocent African-American. He knows the consequences for one’s actions and follows the law, which reveals his strength as a lawyer. Moreover an extract from Rob Atkinson’s essay on To Kill a Mockingbird, Francis (Scout’s cousin) scoffs Scout by calling Atticus a â€Å"N-lover†, and says that he is ruining the family by defending the blacks (Lee,122). If th e people in Maycomb keep on influencing Jem and Scout in a negative way, then they will become rebellious against Atticus too because he supports and defends a black man. Unlike other people in Maycomb, Atticus wants his children to respect the black like any other race, he proves to have sterling morals and teaches his children to tr

Sunday, October 20, 2019

ACT High School Codes and Test Center Codes

ACT High School Codes and Test Center Codes SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips When you register for your ACT, you have to submit codes for your high school and test center, the location where you're going to take your ACT. The codes make it easier for ACT to keep track of the high school and test center of everyone who takes the exam. If you enter the wrong high school code, your school may not get your score report. If you select the wrong test center, you may not be able to take the ACT at your preferred test center location. In this article, I'll let you know how to look up ACT high school and test center codes and advise you how to use them properly. How to Enter Codes During Online Registration High School Codes When registering, you can search for your high school code by entering the state, name, and city of your high school. Just click on your high school when you get the results, and your high school code will be automatically entered. Test Center Codes You can search for test centers in your area and then select the location where you want to take the test. After you select your test center, the test center code will be entered. How to Look Up ACT Codes High School Codes You can also look up ACT codes for your high school on the ACT website. You can search by the name of your high school. If you can't find your school, try using these tips given by the ACT: Try abbreviations (example: JFK or John F Kennedy). Do not use punctuation. Try only one word first. Use "sch" for schools. If you search by state or city, your results will be listed alphabetically. Alternate Codes If you're homeschooled, your code is 969-999. If you have or will earn a GED certificate, your high school code is 960-000. Test Center Codes Also, you can look up ACT codes for test centers on the ACT website. From this site, you can find test center codes and a list of dates the ACT will be offered at a specific test center. Here are some of my results after searching for test centers in Los Angeles, California. The earlier you register, the more likely you are to be able to take the ACT at the test center of your choice. You can also find test center information for international test-takers on the ACT website. Advice for Ensuring Your Codes Are Correct If you select your high school and test center while registering, make sure the codes on your admission ticket are correct. You can double-check the codes by looking them up on the ACT website. If you do manually enter your codes during registration, make sure you've entered the right codes and that the codes you've entered correspond with your high school and test center. Make sure your codes are correct. What's Next? If you're taking the ACT soon, learn how to beat procrastination in your ACT prep. Also, learn the 15 ACT tips and tricks to improve your score. Finally, if you're planning on or considering taking the ACT in the future, find out exactly how long you should study for the ACT. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Justin Berkman About the Author Justin has extensive experience teaching SAT prep and guiding high school students through the college admissions and selection process. He is firmly committed to improving equity in education and helping students to reach their educational goals. Justin received an athletic scholarship for gymnastics at Stanford University and graduated with a BA in American Studies. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Marketing - Essay Example That is a very high number, and if we use several of these in sales, it is easy to end up having several facts that we can no longer connect. From personal experiences, I have experienced a lie needing another lie just to cover it up. It is therefore not a good sales strategy to promise a client the moon just to close the deal, and then have problems in delivering it later on. Eventually, word may go around and you will have lesser and lesser prospects who will believe you and your sales pitch. Habit # 19: Sell Yourself on Yourself I find this tip very valuable. Firstly, I believe that an individual emit confidence if he or she feels that. I mentioned confidence because this is a very important characteristic of a good salesperson, and one can only be confident enough if he can make himself believe that he can do it. Personally, I call it practice, and I know people have done it several times, not only in sales, but even in school presentations. One cannot expect audience to apprecia te a sales pitch (in this case, a presentation) that the presenter himself cannot appreciate, or at least believe in. It is important that the salesperson is able to sell himself and his product, first, to himself, convincingly. Habit # 20: Start Early What could be a more basic tip than starting early? Starting early gives you an edge in having more time to spend for your work.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Edge of Land Law Lies Proprietary Estoppel Essay

The Edge of Land Law Lies Proprietary Estoppel - Essay Example As the paper highlights that the court ultimately determines whether it is conscionable for the owner of the land to go back on their representations. Unlike other estoppels, proprietary estoppel goes further and can be utilised as a tool to enforce or grant a property right de facto. Moreover, proprietary interest in land may be acquired in equity under estoppel without the need for writing and Cooke comments that â€Å"the courts have consistently, with very few exceptions, protected the claimant’s exceptions in interest when responding to estoppel, and protect individuals so far as it is possible and that they should continue to do so†. This study outlines that whilst the equitable justification for the doctrine of proprietary estoppel is clearly meritorious, the ad hoc development of the doctrine has been attacked, with some commentators labelling it as a â€Å"loose cannon†. The focus of this analyse is to critically evaluate the doctrine of proprietary estoppel and consider whether it has as the above statement become nothing more than an â€Å"amalgam of ideas rather than a deliberately constructed doctrine† in contemporary land law. The doctrine of proprietary estoppel was first recognised by the House of Lords in Ramsden v Dyson5, which involved a yearly tenant who had been led to believe that the landlord would grant him a 60 year lease on the property. On this basis, the plaintiff erected a building on the land, however the landlord refused to grant him the lease. The tenant brought a claim to enforce his rights in equity.  

Workplace Relationship Quality and Employee Job in Hotel Firms Essay

Workplace Relationship Quality and Employee Job in Hotel Firms - Essay Example Employment relations in the hospitality and industries offer a clear review especially of employment relations in the distinctive part of the service economy. Hospitality employment in the world can easily be branded as a vulnerable employment which is regulation within areas of minimum wages. Various employment systems are brought about by different legal, social, political as well as economic factors. Human Resource Management in most cases integrates the personal activities with the objective of assuring success within the operations being carried out. It therefore calls for hospitality management personnel to adopt a wide and broad understanding of Human Resource Management. Actually, it is the role of the hospitality management educators to provide the required knowledge with a prospective of ensuring gain of criticality. Evidence from study carried out of a certain hotel has illustrated that Human Resource Management is commonly taken to have a limited effect on the issues that are very critical to the well being of the foodservice industry at large. It has clearly indicated that HRM rarely has a role to play especially with the influence intended to be caused for instance on service quality, profitability among others.Human Resource issues are keenly explored to provide new solutions to problems faced especially during the difficult economic periods within the hotel industry. This will help in attainment of a sustainable and a competitive advantage and more so in the current business environment.

Conspiracy Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Conspiracy Theories - Assignment Example However, it failed among high-knowledge respondents. According to the results, it is very difficult to completely reduce misperceptions concerning health care reform among people that have sophistication as well as motivation to reject the corrective information. The study aimed at exploring the relationship that exists between birth control conspiracy beliefs as well as perceived discrimination and contraceptive behavior as well as attitude on African-Americans. From the cross-sectional anonymous telephone survey, it is clear that a greater percentage of the respondents observed that discrimination is targeted at African America women. The results also support birth control conspiracy beliefs. Female respondents perceived discrimination when obtaining contraceptive services or family planning. The study discovered that greater perceived discrimination and stronger conspiracy beliefs were linked to negative attitudes towards contraceptive methods, especially birth control pills, as well as with contraceptive intentions and behavior. According to the research, perceived discrimination and conspiracy beliefs may play a key role in African-Americans’ attitudes the use of contraceptive methods. Several conspiracy theories have been put forth in trying to explain the cholera epidemic. In case of an outbreak that leads to death, government officials often racialize the dead as being indigenous. Just like in the Eastern Venezuela they also suggest that their culture is to blame. However, the true picture is that the state, international politics as well as global capitalism were complicit in such a genocidal plot. Even though it is rather easy to attribute such conspiracy theories to cultural and epistemological differences, it is the political economies that plays key role in such incidences. Political economies exclude some communities from accessing authoritative information sources to

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Proposal for CROSS CULTURAL EFFECTIVENESS CULTURE GAP AND EXPATRIATE TRAINING - Research Paper Example I picked this topic because it will help me outline the need for an international organization to have leaders who can adjust to different environments quickly and work with partners and employees of other culture. With globalization, it is not wise to assume that a manager who does well in a given a country will automatically succeed in another different country. International Corporations, therefore, need needs an explicit measure of ensuring efficient cross culture integration in its management. This integration can help understand leaders who work in the newly globalized market After outlining my proposal, I will review relevant sources of information to prepare an annotated bibliography. To compile annotated bibliography I will take into consideration various books such as Handbook of Intercultural Training by Dan Landis, Reading and Cases in International human management by Mendenhall, Mand Expatriate Journeying: A holistic perspective on the care and development of overseas personnel by Westwood,D. Once the annotated bibliography is developed and submitted, the paper will be completed by making educated recommendations on how to integrate the difference in culture and globalization. I will also make clear suggestions on what the future steps international organization must make to ensure cross-cultural effectiveness. The paper will also make a recommendation on further area of the subject that needs further

Role of Elders in the Asian Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Role of Elders in the Asian Culture - Essay Example Families, communities, societies, and nations have been promoted by the elderly people during their lives. More importantly, children are educated, cared, and nurtured by the parents and elders in the Asian culture. Therefore, parents deserve comfort, love, and respect throughout their lives from their youngsters and children. In other words, caring and respecting elders and parents is the moral and ethical obligation of children in the Asian region. In this regard, it is the responsibility of elders to take care of their youngsters, love them, and keep guiding them throughout their lives. On the other hand, American or British culture allows the individuals to start making their own decisions in their adolescent age, which is very contrary with the norms and values of the Asian culture. For instance, teachers are often allowed to be strict with the young students in Asian schools, or elders often treat youngsters in a harsh way, which is very different, as compared with the American culture. (Blackkaby, 1998) In brief, role that is played by old people is affected significantly by the cultural differences, as role and respect changes to a higher extent in different cultures. (Huntington, 2000) In East-Asian culture, a notable tradition is specifically practiced in this region, which is referred as filial piety. China, Japan, and Korea are some of the cultures that have the dominated practice of such practice. Care for the elderly is the most imperative and foremost obligation of this tradition. (Lee, 2004) Moreover, elderly people in these cultures play a guiding role to nurture their youngsters in an emotional, as well as, spiritual manner. In the Asian context, parents and elders must provide shelter, care, and assistance to the youngsters in emotional, as well as, financial manner, which is once again, contrary to the Western culture, which obligates

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Conspiracy Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Conspiracy Theories - Assignment Example However, it failed among high-knowledge respondents. According to the results, it is very difficult to completely reduce misperceptions concerning health care reform among people that have sophistication as well as motivation to reject the corrective information. The study aimed at exploring the relationship that exists between birth control conspiracy beliefs as well as perceived discrimination and contraceptive behavior as well as attitude on African-Americans. From the cross-sectional anonymous telephone survey, it is clear that a greater percentage of the respondents observed that discrimination is targeted at African America women. The results also support birth control conspiracy beliefs. Female respondents perceived discrimination when obtaining contraceptive services or family planning. The study discovered that greater perceived discrimination and stronger conspiracy beliefs were linked to negative attitudes towards contraceptive methods, especially birth control pills, as well as with contraceptive intentions and behavior. According to the research, perceived discrimination and conspiracy beliefs may play a key role in African-Americans’ attitudes the use of contraceptive methods. Several conspiracy theories have been put forth in trying to explain the cholera epidemic. In case of an outbreak that leads to death, government officials often racialize the dead as being indigenous. Just like in the Eastern Venezuela they also suggest that their culture is to blame. However, the true picture is that the state, international politics as well as global capitalism were complicit in such a genocidal plot. Even though it is rather easy to attribute such conspiracy theories to cultural and epistemological differences, it is the political economies that plays key role in such incidences. Political economies exclude some communities from accessing authoritative information sources to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Role of Elders in the Asian Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Role of Elders in the Asian Culture - Essay Example Families, communities, societies, and nations have been promoted by the elderly people during their lives. More importantly, children are educated, cared, and nurtured by the parents and elders in the Asian culture. Therefore, parents deserve comfort, love, and respect throughout their lives from their youngsters and children. In other words, caring and respecting elders and parents is the moral and ethical obligation of children in the Asian region. In this regard, it is the responsibility of elders to take care of their youngsters, love them, and keep guiding them throughout their lives. On the other hand, American or British culture allows the individuals to start making their own decisions in their adolescent age, which is very contrary with the norms and values of the Asian culture. For instance, teachers are often allowed to be strict with the young students in Asian schools, or elders often treat youngsters in a harsh way, which is very different, as compared with the American culture. (Blackkaby, 1998) In brief, role that is played by old people is affected significantly by the cultural differences, as role and respect changes to a higher extent in different cultures. (Huntington, 2000) In East-Asian culture, a notable tradition is specifically practiced in this region, which is referred as filial piety. China, Japan, and Korea are some of the cultures that have the dominated practice of such practice. Care for the elderly is the most imperative and foremost obligation of this tradition. (Lee, 2004) Moreover, elderly people in these cultures play a guiding role to nurture their youngsters in an emotional, as well as, spiritual manner. In the Asian context, parents and elders must provide shelter, care, and assistance to the youngsters in emotional, as well as, financial manner, which is once again, contrary to the Western culture, which obligates

Israel from Palestinian territories Essay Example for Free

Israel from Palestinian territories Essay Egypts was in support of the Declaration of Principles treaty as they interpreted it to be supportive of their ideologies ion what would bring a lasting peace to the Middle East. The fact that the declaration transferred power over west bank and Gaza was in accordance with Egypts belief that the withdrawal of Israel from Palestinian Territories was the key to a lasting peace (Brown, 2004). Egypt thus responded by doing what was expected of it during the agreement as they believed that the declaration would bring a lasting peace if both sides kept to their side of the bargain. The Declaration of Principles required Egypt to help the two nations in cooperating so as to achieve the peace that was longed for in the Middle East. Egypt also supported the declaration as it included maintenance of security though by only Israel. Egypt has always believed that security was vital for peace hence supported by helping provide police officers and passports to the Palestinian citizens as was required by the agreement. Countries such as Iran, Israeli Settlers and Syria did not participate in the agreement as they did not believe that the peace would last. Others thought that the agreement was a threat to them and did not want it to succeed. Most of these nations also are Islamic and view Jews to be a threat to their religion hence were hesitated in supporting the peace talks. Most groups believe that DOP process stopped in 2000 which could be true as the events that are currently happening violate the agreements made. Egypts foreign policies are also committed to ensuring that a lasting peace which is comprehensive can come to the Middle East. It does so by being involved actively in the efforts that that can achieve the peace. Egypt for example was the first Arab nation to sign a peace treaty with Israel, a move which caused Israel to be expelled from the Arab League (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). The treaty required Israel to completely withdraw and retreat from Sinai in 1979 in exchange for peaceful normal diplomatic relations according to which Israeli honoured and withdrew. The two countries have since then had good diplomatic relations that are peaceful (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). Egypt believes that peace can only come to the Middle East if the efforts being made are comprehensive at making Israeli withdraw from the Palestinian territories it has been occupying that prevent the creation of an independent Palestine. Egypt also believes that Israel has to recognize and respect Palestines political rights in the controversial Jerusalem. Egypt has therefore been at the forefront in constantly assisting the partners negotiating in the peace process towards applying the Israeli withdrawal for peace to be achieved (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). Egypt also believes that it is possible for stable peace to be achieved between Israel and Palestine if mechanisms can be adopted that would ensure that security is maintained by both parties so that one party can not take advantage of its economic and military superiority to attack the other party. Egypt proposes the region to be freed from weapons of mass destruction in order to enhance security and reduce attacks on each other (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). Egypt further explains that a framework that would ensure regional cooperation needs to be established as it would enhance peace stability and benefit the individuals in the region. As discussed above, Egypt believes that there is possibility for potential future peace agreement which may be solely between Israel and the Palestinian because the disruption of peace in the entire Middle East is attributed to the conflict between the two nations. The conflict between Israel and other Arab nation is also a result of the conflict between it and Palestine. Solving the conflict between Israel and Palestine thus is the answer to bringing peace in the Middle East. Egypt advocates for peace between the two nations and want it be such that security is maintained in the two nations and that they are both disarmed of any weapons of mass destruction. Egypt believes that it is lack of security and presence of the weapons that encourages the two nations to attack each other. Egypt also advocates for the establishment of a framework as discussed earlier that would enhance cooperation between the two nations towards promoting peace stability that will be beneficial to the people I n the region (Brown, 2004). If a peace conference was held today, Egypt would still support a peace deal between the two nations. Egypt supports a two state solution just like the United States does (Asharq Alawshat, 2009). This is because Egypt believes in bringing a comprehensive and lasting peace to the Middle East. Following the most recent attacks on the Gaza strip by Israel which left hundreds of Palestinians dead, and the persistent occupation of Israel in areas that are rightfully Palestinians, Egypt would want a peace deal to be reached in which Israel must retreat and withdraw from occupying these areas so that Palestine can become an independent state as it was before the Israel occupation of its territories (Asharq Alawshat, 2009). Egypt will not accept either Israel or Palestine to own weapons of mass destruction as this would easily trigger another conflict in the event a peace agreement was reached. This is so as to stop the two nations from carrying on attacks and bombings on each other. Egypt would also not accept the deal if Israel did not withdraw from the Palestinian territories it currently is occupying. Egypt would offer diplomatic support as it always has in reaching a peace deal between the two nations (Brown, 2004). Egypt would be ready to act as a mediator between the two nations as they negotiate as it has good relations with both of them. Egypt believes that Israel should recognise Palestines rights regarding Jerusalem, during the peace conference, it would advocate for the recognition to be included in the terms of the final peace deal as Jerusalem is important to Palestine just as it is to Israel. Egypt wants a lasting peace in the Middle East and would do everything it can to help achieve it. Word count: 1500. References Al-Azmeh, A. (1993). Islams and Modernities. New York: Verso. Asharq Alawshat. (2009). Latest News. Retrieved 109th May 2009 from, http://www. asharq-e. com/. Breasted, J. Piccione, A. P. (2001). Ancient Records of Egypt. Chicago, Illinois : University of Illinois Press. Brown. C. L. (2004). Diplomacy in the Middle East: The International Relations of Regional and Outside Powers. New york, NY : I. B. Tauris. Embassy of Egypt. (2009). Political System. Derived 19th May 2009 from http://www. egyptembassy. net/.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Learner Centered Approach

The Learner Centered Approach Since ancient times, a drive towards an ideal learning process has been the subject of study for psychologists, philosophers and educators. This investigative research has put forward various modern methodologies used in classroom. Through this quest, the pedagogical practices have moved from a teacher centered approach to the more engaging learner centered approach, whereby learners are regarded as stakeholders in their learning process. They are expected to be active participants and responsible decision makers in the teaching -learning dynamics. The learner centered approach promotes the idea that students should have greater input into what they learn and how they learn it. This is expected to make learning more valuable and relevant to the learners. More importantly, it is expected to make learners autonomous. However, there is no real learners autonomy because every decision regarding the design of the curriculum to the selection of activities chosen is hand-picked by the teach er (Lynch, 2010). Learners Autonomy The concatenation towards a learner-centered approach has resulted in the concept of learners autonomy. Learners are considered autonomous when they are self-directed and take responsibility of their own learning. The main proponent of learners autonomy, Holec (as cited in Thanasoulas, 2000) defines it as the ability to take charge of ones learning (n.p). For the learner to be proactive and self initiator of his learning, he needs to be imbibed by certain characteristics. Autonomous learners are insightful of their individual learning preferences in terms of styles and strategies. They are self activated participants in the learning process. They are risk takers and resort to the use of target language in the learning process. They incorporate intelligent guesswork in learning. They emphasize accuracy as well as appropriacy; and therefore give simultaneous attention to form and content. They analyze and negotiate rules to reject inapplicable hypotheses and proceed through the target language by placing it into a separate reference system. They are extroverts and have a forward looking and tolerant approach to target language learning. (Thanasoulas, 2000) Theoretical Underpinnings Learners autonomy and learner-centered approach take their foundational principles from the educational philosophy of constructivism. Constructivism advocates that learners must individually discover and transform complex information if they are to make it their own (Slavin, 2010). According to Candy (as cited in Thanasoulas, 2000) constructivism leads directly to the proposition that knowledge cannot be taught but only learned (n.p). The chief premise of constructivism is that learners learn by doing through personalizing and internalizing the subject matter. In this way, learning is seen as subjective and learners are seen as the chief architects of their learning (Lynch, 2010). Constructivism was shaped by the works of Piaget, Vygotsky and Dewey among others. Both Piaget and Vygotsky argue that cognitive change takes place only when previous conceptions go through a process of disequilibration in light of new information. Piaget believes in giving problems to learners that encourage them to manipulate concrete objects. In such a problem based learning, learners build upon their prior assumptions and arrive at solutions to the problems (Henson, 2003). Vygotskys social constructivism introduced the concept of cooperative learning whereby he concludes that knowledge can not be constructed in isolation and therefore, needs learners to cooperate among themselves to work towards knowledge construction (Henson, 2003). Taking the idea further, Deweys view of learner-centered education embraced the idea that education should be both problem-based and fun. Each experience should leave the learner motivated and the solving of each problem must lead to new, related questions about the topic (Henson, 2003). Dewey advocated letting learners experience their learning first hand to enable them to value their learning as subjective and relevant to them (Lynch, 2010). Dewey also stressed upon the idea of confluent or collateral learning, which emphasizes the involvement of learners emotions or affective aspect in how they learn. This marks the shift of focus from the cognitive aspect only which deals with how the mind actually functions, how it processes information or is affected by each individuals perceptions (Reid, 1987) to the affective factor that takes into consideration the emotional filter within a learner as well. The idea comes from the acknowledgement that every learner is distinct in mental and emotional makeup, interests and goals, learning pace, learning style, talent, feeling of efficacy and frames of reference. To make the learning process independent, efficient and effective for the learner, these factors must be considered worthy of attention when designing learning activities (Henson, 2003). Similarly, the learner on his part needs to be aware of his LS based on his mental and emotional system to be able to become an autonomous learner. This marks a departure from the uniformity of practice in institutions where learners are taken as a whole without regard for their diversity. Researchers now agree that it is futile to search for the single best way to achieve a broad educational outcome, in large part because learners do not fit a single mould (Guild, 2011). Learning Styles Their Classifications In Accounting for Learning Styles (2009) Dunn and Griggs define LS as, The way students begin to concentrate on, process, internalize, and remember new and difficult academic information. (p. 1). Dunn and Dunn define learning styles as A term that describes the variations among learners in using one or more senses to understand, organize, and retain experience (Tabanlioglu, 2003). Various learning styles have been proposed by various researchers. Myers -Briggs type indicator. One such classification is by Myers -Briggs (1943) who developed their Personality Type Indicator for studying how people function according to their attitude towards life. It later came to be used in education, since personality type is an indicator of how one learns (Cohen, 2006). In their polar opposite sets of four personality types, there is dichotomous pairing of introverts and extroverts. Introverts are solitude driven and introspective, while extroverts are social and externally inclined. Introverts deal with abstract concepts while extroverts are action oriented (Cohen, 2008). Sensing personality type prefer literal and chronological presentation of information. They rely on the use of five senses in how they learn (Cohen, 2008). Conversely, intuitors predominantly use the sixth sense to work through problems (Din, 2006). They are more interested in the possibilities, implications and interconnectedness of ideas and facts (Cohen, 2008). Within the pair of thinking vs feeling, the thinking learners make decisions objectively without letting an interference of emotions (Din, 2006). On the contrary, feeling learners decisions are guided by their subjective and personally held values (Cohen, 2008). Finally, there is the dichotomy between judging and perceiving. Judging learners are driven by planning and meeting deadlines (Cohen, 2008). Self-directed as they are, judging learners take a careful analysis of things before initiating a task, but take ownership of their decisions Perceptive learners are more spontaneous and adaptive, but do not value deadlines. They like to modify tasks to make them flexible for themselves (Din, 2006). Dunn Dunns LS model. In Accounting for Learning Styles (2009) Dunn Dunns model is explained, in which learners are characterized according to their strengths. Individual instructional preferences arise out of an awareness of those strengths. Developed in 1967, this model judges learners according to how they react to 21 elements arranged within five broad categories, namely; environmental, emotional, sociological, physiological and psychological. Learners have different preferences in each category, based upon which their performance can vary. Felder and Silverman LS model. In 1987, Felder created an assessment model, better known as the Felder and Silverman model, to study the learning preferences of learners. Based upon this assessment, they categorized learners into four dichotomous pairs. According to them, learners can be grouped as active/reflective, sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal, and sequential/global. Active learners activate themselves to acquire new information. Such learners prefer discussion and application of knowledge within group work. Reflectors, on the other hand, prefer to interact individually with the information. Reflective processing involves examining and manipulating the information introspectively (Felder Solomon, 2012). Sensors tend to be concrete and methodical, whereas intuitors are abstract and imaginative. Sensing and intuitive learners prefer discovery based learning, in which they like exploring possibilities and relationships. They like solving problems, but sensors like experimentation, while intuitors prefer to deal with underlying concepts. Sensors like surprises, while intuitors prefer innovation and repetition bores them. Both are practical, but intuitors are faster in grasping details (Felder Solomon, 2012). As the name suggests, visual learners learn best through visualizing content. On the contrary, verbal learners learn through words. Hence, information is processed more effectively and efficiently when presented visually for visual learners and verbally for verbal learners (Felder Solomon, 2012). Sequential learners are more methodical and linear in their approach to learning. They connect newly acquired information to previously known information and proceed in logical steps of knowledge construction. On the other hand, global learners tend to absorb content in fragments, without arranging it in their minds. They solve problems but find it hard to explain how they arrived at the conclusion (Felder Solomon, 2012). Gregorcs mind styles. Gregorc (1985) developed a mind styles inventory that categorizes learners in four patterns of learning. Concrete sequential learners learn through logical sequencing and factual arrangement of information (Putintseva, 2006). They rely on structured learning and practicality and look to find clear answers without any abstraction (Din, 2009). Abstract random learners are more harmonious with abstract, conceptual thinking and work well in groups. Their learning comes from personalizing knowledge. They prefer a sensitive and flexible environment with broad instructions and are not open to critical feedback. On the other hand, abstract sequential learners are more analytical and like to work alone. Decision making and eventual application of ideas comes much after analysis in a challenging environment. They find it hard to follow too many rules and regulations within a task (Putintseva, 2006). Their approach is theoretical and analytical (Din, 2009). The concrete ra ndom learners are independent and creative (Din, 2009). These learners take risks and use their intuitive abilities in solving problems. They are competitive and believe in a trial and error approach to solve problems without any formal restrictions and limitations (Putintseva, 2006). Kolbs experiential learning cycle LS model. The most important classification of LS comes from David Kolb (1984), who based his model on the experiential learning theory. The model thrives on the concept of learners practical experiences forming the backbone of learning. Kolb (as cited in Din, 2009) defines experiential learning as, The process of creating and transforming experience into knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, emotions, beliefs and senses. It is the process through which individuals become themselves (p.49). Kolbs work on experiential learning has its roots in the work of Dewey, Lewin and Piaget. Dewey argues that learners uniqueness as a result of their prior experiences should be acknowledged in their learning process. Dewey (as cited in Din, 2009) refers to learning from, through and to the experience (p.68). He proposes the process of concrete experience, observation and reflection, formation of abstract concepts and generalization, and testing implications of concepts in new situation (Din, 2009). Kurt Lewin, organizes elements within his model in the sequence of apprehension concrete experience, observation and reflection, abstract concepts and generalization and testing implementations of concepts (Din, 2009). Piaget propounds that learners acts of intelligence are biologically time tabled. The concept of cognitive structure is central to his theory, which explains how experiences shape intelligence. He elaborates this through four developmental stages in a learner, namely, the sensory motor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, and formal operational stage. Sensory motor is a self-centered stage from birth to two years of age. This is followed by the cognitive intuitive stage called the preoperational stage. This lasts from three to seven years of age followed by the concrete operational stage up to twelve years of age. In this stage, logical approach is developed in learners. In the formal operational stage, learners develop higher order skills and think deeply to conserve knowledge (Din, 2009). Kolb (as cited in Din, 2009) defines learning through experiential cycle as, The process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience (p.50). He represents four stages in his famous experiential learning circle. This cyclical experiential learning model is learner focused and emphasizes the process of learning instead of the outcome (Din, 2009). Kolb believes concrete experience as the most likely point of initiation within this cycle of learning. Concrete experience advocates the underlying idea of learning through experiencing acquisition in a situational context. Next stage is reflective observation where the learner detaches himself from active engagement and takes an objective stock of the process and its outcome. Abstract conceptualization is a deeper, theoretical analysis of ideas. It is the intellectual processing of knowledge. Active experimentation is the eventual outcome of this cycle where the learner is expected to make use of the refined knowledge acquired and understood through the three step process and to be able to use it in novel situations. This is the stage that tests the understanding of the learner through application (Mobbs, n.d). Learning occurs when the dimensions in Kolbs experiential learning cycle are used in combination. Based upon these combinations, Kolb identifies learners as divergers, assimilators, convergers and accommodators. Divergers use a combination of concrete experience and reflective observation (Din, 2009). They are sensitive and have the ability to look at situations from different perspectives. They are imaginative, emotionally driven and receptive to feedback. Their understanding is shaped by their feelings and observations (Putintseva, 2006).They get their name from the fact that they learn well in situations that require them to generate broad range of ideas (Seca Santiago, 2003) The assimilators prefer a more logical approach in which conceptual understanding is of prime importance. They combine the use of abstract conceptualization reflective observation (Din, 2009). They do not grasp information holistically, but arrange it in logical, mental constructs. (Putintseva, 2006). They judge ideas for their theoretical value and not for their practicality (Seca Santiago, 2003). The combination of abstract conceptualization and active experimentation gives birth to converging style of learning (Din, 2009). The covergers get their name from the fact that their learning is optimized when they have to converge at one answer to a problem. Convergers learn through a problem solving approach and find solutions to problems. They engage with technicalities and are sound decision makers. Polar opposite of the divergers, learners with a converging style experiment with new ideas and to work with practical applications. On the other hand, accommodators rely on intuition and have an experiential approach to learning. They are attracted to new challenges and experiences. However, their experiential approach is more discovery based and the result of intuition rather than logical thinking. (Putintseva, 2006). Honey Mumfords LS model. Although Felder and Silverman model and Gregorcs mind styles came soon after Kolbs model and seem evidently inspired by it, no other model is as similar to Kolbs model as Honey and Mumfords LS classification. Honey and Mumford (1986) have based their LS classification on Kolbs Experiential Learning Model and admit that there are far more similarities between the two than differences. Honey and Mumford (1986) developed their inventory of four learning styles, namely Activist Reflector, Theorist and Pragmatist. Activists are experience driven and their enthusiasm pushes them to take immediate risks. Their learning comes from actively engaging in the experience. They tend to act first and consider the consequences of their actions later. Reflectors take a cautious approach and ponder analytically over ideas and experiences (Seca Santiago, 2003). They listen and observe to master the issue and do not participate till they have done so. Being assimilating learners, their learning is enhanced in situations that allow them to reflect and then make decisions (Din, 2009). Theorists are objective learners who take stock of an idea, information or experience and try to mould them into their own theoretical models. They are deep thinkers and try to relate concepts and ideas. For them sound organization of knowledge matters the most (Din, 2009). Their rational approach leads them to analyze and synthesize information (Seca Santiago, 2003) Finally, learning is fruitful to pragmatists only if they can feel its practical utility in their life outside the classroom. They are not merely concerned with the practicality of an experience, but are equally interested in its impact. This is what makes them open and receptive to constructive feedback. They fossilize newly learnt information through immediate application (Din, 2009). Their decision making is based on practicality of an idea (Seca Santiago, 2003). Apart from Honey Mumfords own admission of generating their learning styles from Kolbs model, other theorists and researchers have also studied and related the two. Seca and Santiago (2003) found significant correlation between Honey and Mumfords reflector and Kolbs reflective observation, Honey and Mumfords pragmatist and Kolbs active experimentation and Honey and Mumfords theorist and Kolbs abstract conceptualization. Based upon the fact that Kolbs learning styles emerge out of a combination of traits within his experiential cycle, a stage wise break up of Kolbs learning cycle that generate relationship between Kolbs LS and Honey and Mumfords LS is shown. Relationship between Kolbs and Honey Mumfords Learning Styles Stage in Kolbs Experiential Learning Cycle Dimensions in Kolbs Experiential Learning Cycle Kolbs Learning Styles Honey Mumfords Learning Styles Stage 1 Concrete Experience Accomodating Activist Stage 2 Reflective Observation Diverging Reflector Stage 3 Abstract Conceptualization Assimilating Theorist Stage 4 Active Experimentation Converging Pragmatist Language Learning Strategies Their Classifications On the other hand, learners use language learning strategies either consciously or unconsciously in processing new information to grasp, understand and retain concepts. Wenden and Rubin (as cited in Hismanoglu, 2000) define learning strategies as any sets of operations, steps, plans, routines used by the learner to facilitate the obtaining, storage, retrieval, and use of information (n.p). Meyer (as cited in Clouston, 1997) defines LLS as behaviours of a learner that are intended to influence how the learner processes information (n.p). Cohen (as cited in Shabani and Sarem, n.d) defines LLS as the conscious thoughts and behaviors used by learners with explicit goal of improving their knowledge of a target language (p.3). One of the most widely accepted definition comes from Oxford (as cited in Zare, 2012) who looks at LLS as specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situatio ns (p. 164). In view of the definitions above, LLS can be understood as individual ways of processing information that aid comprehension, learning or retention of the information. Most of the work on LLS took place in the 80s and 90s. When it comes to classifying LLS, many taxonomies exist. However, a chronological review of the four most widely known classifications is discussed. O Malleys classification of LLS. O Malley (1985) divides language learning strategies into three main subcategories, namely, metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and socioaffective strategies. Metacognitive strategies are related to the planning of the task before initiation, self monitoring of the process and post task analysis. Cognitive strategies require the learner to be more directly and actively involved in the manipulation of the learning material. It includes note-taking, translating, contexualizing and inferencing to acquire knowledge. Socioaffective strategies involve social engagement for the sake of transaction of information to learn (Hismanoglu, 2000). Rubins classification of LLS. Rubins (1987) came up with a distinction between direct and indirect strategies, later refined by Oxford. His classification includes learning strategies, communication strategies, and social strategies, which are thought to contribute directly or indirectly to the learning process. Learning strategies branch out into cognitive learning strategies and metacognitive learning strategies. These strategies look to manipulate the material through direct analysis and/or synthesis. It can include techniques such as clarification, inductive inferencing, deductive reasoning, practice, memorization or monitoring. Communication strategies, on the other hand, aid in bridging the gap in communication that may lead to a communication break down. It can be used for clarification, asking questions and to remain a part of the conversation while learning (Zare, 2012). Oxfords classification of LLS. The most comprehensive classification of LLS to date comes from Oxford (1990), who has refined and structured her predecessors work by making a taxonomy based on six sub-classifications within two broad categories. Direct LLS are divided into memory, cognitive and compensation strategies, while indirect LLS include metacognitive, affective and social strategies. Oxford (as cited in Zare, 2012) clarifies the difference between the two as, all direct strategies require mental processing of the language while all indirect strategies provide indirect support for language learning (p. 165). Within direct strategies, memory strategies enable learners to learn and retrieve information in an orderly string as through acronyms, while other techniques create learning and retrieval through images, as in creating a mental picture, or through sounds, such as rhyming, or a combination of both, as using keywords to remember and retain the information. There can be use of other stimuli like mechanically, through flashcards or by using location, such as on a page or board or through body movements, as through total physical response. The second type of direct strategies are the cognitive strategies. Cognitive strategies enable the learner to use such methods as reasoning, analysis, note-taking, summarizing, synthesizing, reorganizing information to create knowledge structures, and practicing structures and sounds formally to manipulate the language material in direct ways. They are meant to create structures for input and output. Compensation strategies, the third type of direct strategies, employ tactics such as guessing, using synonyms and fillers or using gestures to help make up for gaps within communicative knowledge. They are more in use for averting language break down and not strictly language learning strategies. Among the indirect strategies, metacognitive strategies indirectly manipulate learning by the use of identifying ones own learning style preferences and planning accordingly. It includes gathering and organizing materials, arranging a study space and a schedule, monitoring mistakes, and evaluating task success, managing the learning process. Affective strategies, the second type of indirect strategies, are strategies to exert control over ones level of anxiety, mood, feelings, reception of material and the learning process. They are meant to control learners attitude while they engage with their learning. Finally, the third type of indirect strategies known as social strategies, are related to the inevitable need for communication with others within a task. They help the learner move forward in an informed way by asking questions for clarification or verification. Moreover, they can ask for help and while doing so, unconsciously assimilate the target cultural norms (Oxford, 2003). Sterns classification of LLS. Stern (1992) grouped LLS into five classes: management and planning strategies, cognitive strategies, communicative-experiential strategies, interpersonal strategies and affective strategies. Management and planning strategies are associated with empowering the learners to control their own learning. The learners can committ themselves to language learning; set themselves reasonable goals; select an appropriate methodology, choose relevant resources, and monitor progress. Moreover, they need to evaluate and match their level of achievement with the determined goals and expectations. Cognitive strategies refer to procedures and activities which learners use for improvement in their learning and retaining ability. They also enable learners to solve problems, especially those actions which learners use with specific classroom tasks. When using cognitive strategies, the learners can guess, clarify, verify, practice, memorize or monitor their learning. To avoid interruption within the communicative interaction, learners use techniques such as circumlocution, gesturing, paraphrasing, asking for repetition and explanation. These techniques form part of the strategies known as communicative strategies. Interpersonal strategies monitor learners development and progress. Familiarity with target culture is achieved through the use of these strategies, without which language acquisition remains incomplete. Affective strategies have an inevitable role in language learning. Feeling of unfamiliarity with a foreign language can lead to varying emotions, attitude and motivation within learners. To remain emotionally focused and motivated can be achieved through the use of affective strategies (Zare, 2012). Language Learning Strategies Used at the Graduate Level Learners at the graduate level have their own characteristics. They are willing to explore their preferred way of learning more out of a demand for autonomy that arises due to a shift in their role as they make a transition from school to college than a conscientious effort to know their LS and use of LLS. A research carried out by Gujjar, Naoreen and Aslam (2010) studied the LLS used by graduate learners in formal and non-formal education systems in Pakistan. Based on Oxfords taxonomy of LLS, the findings of their study indicated that there was no significant difference in learners from both systems in their use of direct strategies. They indicated a similar trend in their use of memory, cognitive and compensation strategies. In terms of indirect strategies, formal learners used more social strategies in language learning. However, no significant difference was found between the students from formal and non-formal systems of education on the use of meta-cognitive and affective strat egies of language learning (Gujjar et al, 2010). Relationship Between Learning Styles Language Learning Strategies: A Review of Previous Researches When left on their own and if not explicitly encouraged by the teacher to use a certain set of strategies, students typically use learning strategies that reflect their basic learning styles (Oxford, 2003). This asserts the opinion by many educationists that LLS do not operate by themselves, but are tied to the learners underlying natural tendency to learn in a particular way known as LS. It is interesting to note that many learners selection and employment of LLS is random and unconscious. To be able to optimize efficiency in learning, learners need to be familiar with their LS to know which strategies are most appropriate to their LS and to the task at hand, since a relationship is considered to exist between the learners LS and their choice of LLS. However, whereas there are significant researches in the area of studying the relationship between LS or LLS and certain variables, such as demographic factors, not much work is present in studying the relationship between learners LS and LLS. Ehrman and Oxford (1989) conducted a study regarding overall personality type as measured by Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI). It was found that extroverts indicated a significantly greater use of affective strategies and visualization strategies than the introverts. However, introverts were reported to use more frequent manipulation of strategies requiring communication of meaning. Compared to sensing learners, intuitive learners used more affective, formal model building, functional practice and searching for and communicating meaning strategies. Feeling-type learners, as compared to thinkers, displayed greater use of general study strategies. Perceivers made use of more strategies for searching for and communicating meaning than the judgers, who demonstrated more frequent use of general study strategies than did perceivers (Tabanlioglu, 2003). Ehrman and Oxford (1990) studied the relationship between LS and LLS through semi-structured interviews. They used MBTI-G (Myers and McCaulley, 1985) for learning styles and the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) for preferred LLS. The results showed that the preferred LLS for each pair of LS were in an appropriately matched distribution. It could be safely concluded that LS may significantly influence their choices of LLS (Shi, 2011) Another research concerned with the relationship between LS and LLS conducted by Jie Li and Xiaoqing Qin (2006) in Chinese tertiary level learners used the Chinese version of MBTI-G and a questionnaire on the use of LLS adapted from OMalley and Chamots classification. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data revealed that LS have a significant influence on learners selection of LLS. Moreover, it also investigated the influence of

Sunday, October 13, 2019

environment & public policy :: essays research papers

Environmental Policy and the Government The purpose of the United States' public policy law is to implement restrictions in an effort to solve problems, which is shown with the Clean Water Act and employed to reform the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The United States government is noble in its efforts to preserve the environment through these acts, but the internal structure of public policy often retards these acts' effectiveness. This essay will explore ways in which factors such as horizontal implementation and the divided government affects the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Before one can discuss how these policies affect environmental legislation, a brief description of each must first be lucidly explained. When our government was created, a system of checks and balances was implemented to make sure that no one part of government acquires more power than others. Although this limits the power of anyone person in government, it often slows down the ability of government because a consensus can be hard with a g reat number people collaborating. Horizontal implementation pertains to the implementation with the federal government. There are specific concerns that exists which includes: the breakdown of coordination due to the largest structure of the federal government, language difficulties, the lack of control due to the threat of success by one particular agency, different perspectives, and direct change of intention due to factors such as voter pressure. It's astounding that in the heart of all this madness that anything can be accomplished at all, but thanks to the determination to be re-elected, things have work their way down the federal level or else the person in power will be impeached. Now the question is, what exactly is the Endangered Species Act? An animal is endangered if it is in danger of becoming extinct throughout all or most of its natural range in the wild. An animal is threatened if it is very likely to fall into the endangered category in "the foreseeable future". Endangered species have the possibility of generating boundless resources for the human race including medical uses, research purposes, and atmospheric contributions- namely oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. The act also sets aside land to protect endangered species. For example, many acres of old growth forest have been set-aside in an effort to preserve the Northern spotted owl. So far, the act has been successful in helping to re-establish populations of the American alligator, the California condor, the Black-footed ferret, and many species of endangered sea turtles.